Minutes meeting May 26
Il gruppo di lavoro che si è incontrato il 26 maggio ha discusso sull'insegnamento con la metologia CLIL in lingua minoritaria o in inglese.
Si evince che l'insegnamento CLIL deve prevedere l'acquisizione di alcune strutture di base che permettano a tutti gli alunni di comprendere quanto dice l'insegnante. A volte, essendo necessaario l'uso di terminologia specifica che deve essere acquisita anche in lingua italiana, ed essendoci alunni che per diverse motivazioni (arrivano in classe ad anno scolstico avviato, sono di origini diverse, non hanno dato tutti il consenso per l'apprendimento in the case of the minority language, with learning difficulties) have not acquired the basic structures, it is difficult to achieve the targets set for the matter of teaching.
is complicated, moreover, to provide continuity with the teaching CLIL methodology in a specific field for the turn over of teachers.
It is believed therefore to suggest to my fellow teachers to use the CLIL methodology initially to impart the teaching of subjects that have no effect on the learning of entirely in Italian terminology such as motors, music (not just songs!) Technology and data. Good idea to prepare plays. An entry must also be spent on religion that can be taught in minority languages. The churches often support the local language and often acting as proposer of courses and materials (eg the Bible translated into minority languages, the missal, ...). The subjects are suggested on the basis of previous experiences of teachers in the group.
The group decides to provide, along with curricula designed, including materials for teachers working to help those who have doubts and do not feel up to teaching in a minority language.
why you ask those who have prepared worksheets for children assigned to supply without any worries, so that they can enrich all quaanti.
It then goes on to review curricula lying making certain adjustments.
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