1) jo Tropis oris onIy tignude schools work to do to furlan? How many hours of Friuli to do about school?
Under de 482/99, and the schools work to je clamade corispuindi a la par gjenitôrs requested by Supervisor aprendiment by the Furlan. The shore of troi par chel obietîf Jentro you to school autonomy.
Under Law 482/99, the school is required to answer the request of the parents to ensure the learning of the Friulian. In this sense, it must use the school autonomy.
2) Puedial a college teachers can make a limited extent Numara oris? And up to a maximum Tropis oris? The teaching staff may decide on a minimum number of hours? What is the ceiling?
Idem, such as thickness, Intal naturalmentri maximum limitation from 20% de cuote of autonomy.
In the limit of 20% of the share of autonomy.
3) How REFERENCE vin par cjapât agns ban from progjet regjonâl (40 oris), but other documents ISAL cualchi Furlan, Talian, european fevele to that of TIMPs? For years we have taken as a reference to the notice of the regional project (40 hours) but is there any other document Friulian, Italian, European, who speaks of the times?
Under the new regulation under the Law of 7.29 will be given clear guidance on content and hours, but there is prejudice to the school autonomy.
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