Insult to Berlusconi? Helpful criticism.
(SMACK Fool)
The Supreme Court serves Piero Ricca
The fifth Criminal Division of the Supreme Court set aside the sentence imposed by Justice of the Peace of Milan, Piero Ricca, the man who shouted "buffoon" at 'then Prime Minister Berlusconi. The injury, in this case was considered by the Supreme Court a useful "social criticism", essentially a call to respect the laws. Piero Ricca was then fined, but will now be submitted for a new trial.
had happened in the corridors of the Palace of Justice in Milan, May 4 2003, during a hearing of the SME trial. Piero Ricca, son of a judge, expected the prime minister out of the classroom and then screamed at him: "Without process, fool! Respect the law or do the end of Ceaucescu and Don Rodrigo ...". The sentence, according to the Supreme Court, had a "social usefulness seen as a collective interest in the event of thought" on crucial issues of public life. On 18
febbario 2005, the magistrate had fined a Rich "for insulting the honor and dignity of Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers." Rich is now on the horizon for new trial that could land the acquittal. Was also the place where the outside and the giudici "particolarmente idoneo, come sede privilegiata, a suscitare riflessioni sul tema della legalità".
La suprema corte ha stabilito che la frase di Ricca è una "critica" partendo dal fatto che l'epiteto "buffone" è stato seguito da espressioni "che suonano come forte riprovazione della condotta tenuta dal querelante come homo publicus". "L'esortazione pressante 'fatti processare, rispetta la legge' - spiega la Cassazione - sono una vibrata ed accorata censura, istintivamente suscitata dalla presenza del personaggio che a tante polemiche e contrasti aveva dato origine".
In conclusione dicono i giudici, "non si è trattato di gratuita aggressione alla persona del querelante, ma di forte critica, specular intensity to rise to the level of dissent in the political and public opinion of the sensitivity of the issues raised and addressed by the offended party. "
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