Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where Can Buy Cal Gel

Vittorio Emanuele: Intercepted says, "We think Berlusconi Gianni Letta with" Insult to

THE MINUTES. On Rutelli: "insult our minister." Arbitrators: "Now we come to think of another name that is close to the Holy See. The day after tomorrow is the letter"

"Return to the Government Treasury?
To Italy we have already too

Vittorio Emanuele to the Pantheon

ROME - The chapter of the order of remand "Relations with the institutions" is occupied mostly by the issue of property inheritance and Savoy.

The Commission Catricalà

phone call between Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia (VE) and Hugo Windisch-Graetz (U) is 12/01/2005.

: I am for breakfast. I invited Catricalà
VE : ah, yes! Very good. (...) So
U : tell me the news and then we'll hear
VE: I find that now we have sown much
U : Very!
VE : now we need watering
U: Then, on Monday for breakfast, while I ask him what's new and what is your point of view. In confidence, always in accordance with Gianni Letta, I ask him if he can meet you here .. he or somewhere
VE Listen, I think we can go on well?
U: I guess so, but we have to fast now. We have time until February

The three Expert advice pro veritate
6.12.2005, the phone always Vittorio Emanuele and Hugo Windisch

: So, yesterday I was at breakfast with long Catricalà
VE : ah! Fine
U : that, you know, appointed by the bed ... It 's still advisor to Prime Minister's office and in most head Antitrust Authority. It 's a very powerful man, perbenissimo and has already worked a lot on your case. Now he has formed a committee, a constitutionalist, a great lawyer, and so on, to have a document that could allow Palazzo Chigi to make a settlement proposal.
VE: That's interesting!
U : He said: "I want to be out of this problem and solved it by February." Amazing, no?
The solution

call from 23.01.2006 between Marina Doria (M) and Windisch (U).

U: The meeting went very well ...
M: Yes, ah. I'm glad
U : he has found a solution, we spoke with Gianni Letta ... now have to make this commission "arbitrators." Basically there are three of the greatest judges of Italy, judges do, give an opinion. Who made you lose time is ... is the third one of these here that was not in favor ... and then ... now it has come to mind, another name that is close to the Holy See ... should take action immediately, the day after he and bed and asks if this name is fine too ...

The votes of the guards of the Pantheon

Phone Call, 25.1.2006 Vittorio Emanuele (VE) and
Windisch (W)

W ... can be highly effective on Berlusconi. If you tell two sentences, I think you do him happy and gives you a hand in sight. I am convinced ... The first concept you must praise him and thank him for Gianni Letta, Berlusconi has made him a possible way of solutions. Second, even for that you would like to help out in any way in the elections
VE : must know that I am part of two small things, I am the Honorary President of the Guards of the Pantheon, well not many but they count the same, no? And then I am the Honorary President of Meda that are one million and five million five hundred thousand ... (Vittorio Emanuele in another call tell ("I am honorary president of this great organization of lame) and I'm going to tell you all you need to sign it (laughs)

The meeting
On January 26, Vittorio Emanuele
says so Pierluigi Vitalini meeting with Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi, "I received one of the demonstrators Alitalia and unions of the trains were a nightmare. Berlusconi is very nice. The meeting was more than positive ... Then you saw us on television that came out of Berlusconi with the machines. This is important because we need to act quickly before the end of February because he'll lose the election because, the other we put him in the ass ... " . The transaction

Telefonata del 7 febbraio 2006 tra Vittorio Emanuele (VE) e Hugo Windisch (W)

: mi ha chiamato adesso Gianni Letta, mi ha detto che per fine mese avremo il documento dei probi-viri e con quello potranno decidere. Stanno scrivendo il documento in maniera che Berlusconi possa essere autorizzato per fare una transazione.
VE : benissimo. Prima della fine del mese, eh?


On February 23, phone call between Vittorio Emanuele (VE) and Hugo Windisch (W).

: he (Letta, ed) says that nobody should be scared because the probes are writing viruses and if they see too many things in the papers ... Monday we make parallel operation, telephone Irti.
VE : you know exactly what I ask, and that's that, the rest I do not care. We must get e. .. the history of jewelry is an excellent means of pressure: if we can get the general paragraph (the change of the third paragraph of note) give all that stuff we lay there (the royal jewels ed) to the government, we are a museum and put it inside.
W: Wait, first you have to have and to hold. Gift your father has made too many ...
VE it's what you also said Emanuele (Filiberto ed): We have already given the government too


With his interlocutors Vittorio Emanuele shows to follow the Italian political life and to know the players well. On January 26, 2006 talking with Pierluigi Vitalini (V), the heir Savoy says, "Bertinotti was held very well. Berlusconi said that for him" is the best of everyone there. "Then what are you doing on the left? ".
V: should return to the right because is very intelligent Bertinotti

Cardinal Montezemolo

On 22 February 2006, Victor Emmanuel on the phone with Windisch is informed of the appointment of cardinals. The lobbyist suggested that he "sent two telegrams, became Cardinal Montezemolo and Zivis (phonetic) the Secretary of Wojtyla. We are in place, our ceremony will be celebrated by a cardinal." A few days later, however, Vittorio Emanuele asks, "because I do not want to talk about this bunufero? (Cardinal ndr)".

D'Alema and Rutelli

Phone Call from, Vittorio Emanuele (VE), Pippo Gianni Franco and Sandonà of March 23, 2006, speaking of the campaign having mainly through TV broadcasts.

VE: I saw that interview on television ... ignorance that tell anything ... Rutelli, who laughs, jokes and insults our Treasury Secretary ... And then This Caviar communism: D'Alema accounts in Luxembourg, he does not know, I know myself. It has the most beautiful sailing than anyone ...".

Lucia Annunziata

On March 13, talking on the phone with Alberto Bochicchio, Vittorio Emanuele says the transmission of Lucia Annunziata "half hour" abandoned Berlusconi: "I would have pulled punches in the mouth and I split the nose, is really a communist ..... z. and b. ..... like hunger "


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