Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lip Piercing White Inside

MINUTES. From video poker gambling, 1-2-3 a while to me, a little tea, a little to Iddu! The 3 Little Pigs.

From video poker gambling
So the Prince had operated the business with its members

"And now let's have the casinos
there are four bags of money"

Bonazza the prince:
for videopoker I need a general.

from our correspondent DARIO PORT

Prison Power

POWER - A cornerstone of the prosecution against Prince Vittorio Emanuele addresses the issue of corruption obtain from the State Monopoly for the issue of permits for 400 video poker. With the brokerage Venetian entrepreneur Ugo Bonazza, Savoy comes in contact with Rocco Migliardi, Sicily, suspected of ties to organized crime, which proposes payable to the clearance to one of their children. Billions would be delivered to Achille De Luca, called "fixer" by the magistrates, a sum of € 20 000 to bribe the leaders of Monopoly. In each set, as agents of the alleged corruption, including Salvatore Sottile (now under house arrest), spokesman for the National Alliance leader Gianfranco Fini (foreign exporters) and other party leaders, now suspects on the loose Francesco Cosimi Proietti, and Tullio Ciccolini.


De Luca, on the phone talking about money like "candy and pastries, is photographed as it enters with a bag in the seat of Monopoli, in the opinion of the judges to deliver a "gift" to Anna Andrews, director of the office responsible for issuing clearances, as a suspect on bail for corruption as the Director-General Giorgio Tino, he would receive in return the person concerned, his appointment as member of the Board of the National Film School.

The fax

is also intercepted a fax sent by Achille De Luca Vittorio Emanuele February 18, 2005. De Luca reports in the encrypted that in the opinion of the investigators, is the "statement of the tangent. Under "Contact" describes Migliardi Bonazza and, under "Reports" are encrypted scored some names, like "dr. TC", identified as Tullio Ciccolini. And there is also the symbol "V. Pr. Inches.." interpreted as referring to the vice-presidency of the Council in which staff at the time worked Sottile. On February 18, Vittorio Emanuele receives the fax and talks with De Luca.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "No, I was going to call, because ho letto il fax, molto attentamente".
De Luca : "Perfetto".
VE : "È perfetto, lei ha fatto un ottimo lavoro".
D : "Purtroppo non era quello che c'era stato detto. Abbiamo incontrato delle difficoltà e le abbiamo affrontate".
VE : "Senta, noi riceveremo qualche cosa o niente?"
D: "I believe so, yes because even though they were not the things he wanted, though the speeches are open, when you have other dealings of that amount, instead of doing that shit, makes me know ..."
VE : "Exactly."
D: "But as regards the operation done, in my opinion must also repay to him than what he gave to the resolution of the case."
VE : "Yes, yes, yes."
D "in its comparisons.
VE : "You must write a little thing!"
D: "Yes!" But now we speak. Absolutely! Because it is clear that I have officially said to have carried out instructions received from you anyway. It is she who has done everything. "
EV: (Laughs) "Thank you".
D: "It's the game that ...".
VE : "I feel embarrassed now!"
D: "You can go ahead safely. The game is this: I'm just a performer, who did everything the prince."

The general hands-long "

In a telephone call of 30 November 2004, Bonazza and Vittorio Emanuele, speaking of the need, writes the court "to contact some large official finance to unlock the question of the clearances.

: "Look! Let me now only a hint of work: one thing. I would ...".
Vittorio Emanuele : "Yes, tell me!"
B: "I need you I would show and if she could speak to a general here, Finance, because there is a big business, business, big, big, big, big. "
VE :" What do you want? Who do you want? "
B" friendship ".
VE :" Let me talk! "
B:" Yes, yes. "
VE :" You want a policeman or a flame yellow?
B: "Yellow flame, yellow flame."
VE : "Ok, you did."
B: "So, uh."
VE: "We'll talk when we meet."
B: "Yes, yes, yes and no! Say it is not only a courtesy! Is for work: a clean job."
VE : "But yes, I understand, I understand!"
B: "There is a business of three million euro. All right?"
VE: "Agreed?"

Casino Campione d'Italy.

Another operation in the center of the investigation concerns the attempt to enter the casino management. Starting from that of Champion of Italy. Operation to which Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, in conversation with Ugo Bonazza of October 6, 2005, shows a lot of press.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "Look, I have to say ..."
Bonazza : "Say."
VE : "Do that thing, we do ourselves, eh!"
B: "Yes, yes" (....)
VE : "You and I and then after we will give the commission wanted."
B: "Yes, yes."
VE : "But it takes a less rowdy inside, the better, right?"
B: "No, no, but she knows that I (....)".
VE : "No, but we are serious people, he is very gentle, very seriously, but then says that always wants to be a laugh."
B: "Why (...)
VE :" And then it's okay. "
B:" Precisely. "(...)
VE :" I am 's Agreement to laugh. "
B: "Okay, but after though."
VE : (...) "We are a, a, a, four bags of money, you know!"
B: "Eh, but who knows what runs in the year there are hundreds and hundreds of millions" (...)
VE : "Yes, I know, so this is an exceptional management."
B: "Exactly no, and then it's the biggest thing in Italy, Europe, you know? "
VE " From Europe, yes, yes ".
B:" I saw when I was there just the 'Last week, knows that big monster they're doing there in Campione, a stuff, a huge stuff ah. "
B: "Huge" (...)
VE : "Well, yes" (...)
B: "Yes, but "(....)
VE :" Look, here we see the chapter ".
B "is perfect."
VE : "There he is you and me."
B: "Okay."
VE : "That is him, that of Campo ... that of (....)"
B:" We put ourselves in hand, drink a glass in hand and we just two words. "
VE: "We put in a corner."
B: "And we" (...)
VE : "We do our thing and that's it."
B: "It is enough and after."
VE : "In half an hour, a quarter of an hour is good and done."
B: "But, ah, but just five words to me, not enough for me not so, I" VE
(...): (...) "I".
B "Exactly I, like I do with my, with my, with my clients that I do quickly to make, I make only two words, say the ladies play cards and that's it, here we lay the cards on the table."
VE : "Yes, yes."
B: "Now and talk" (...)
VE : "Exactly."
B: (....)
VE : "Yeah, so much to him for you so much for me."

Casino Venice

After Champion, Vittorio Emanuele and the other suspects thought to the Venice Casino, as highlighted by the call of 20 February 2006 between the prince and Bonazza.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "And then later ... after we go to Venice to beat."
Bonazza : "No. .. I Venice I've got an appointment now with a friend during the week."
VE : "Okay."
B: "And this brings me to my friend and we talk."
VE : "And let there too. You see?"
B: "No, because they already know that we are already working with Champion and they are pretty interested too to see something to make a speech, in short, no love for now .. there is still nothing ... Meanwhile, we throw down the foundations to do something you know? ".
VE :" Yes, yes, but sure. "

( June 19, 2006 )


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