Thursday, July 6, 2006

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Abu Omar, the truth: Italians with the CIA. SHAME!?!? Fondazione San Raffaele

Abu Omar, the Italians with the CIA veritàgli
Fabrizio Gatti Peter Gomez

A police sergeant took part in the kidnapping of the imam in Milan. It speaks of a commando with many Italians. Here is the turning point in the investigation on such sensational secret

A secret wire leads from the Palazzo Chigi kidnapping of Abu Omar, the imam who was kidnapped in Milan and tortured in Egypt. A secret hidden in a phone call from the secretary of playing Gianni Letta, undersecretary to which the powerful Silvio Berlusconi has entrusted the responsibility for the intelligence services. A few days ago, as shown in "The Express" from that extension of the Presidency of the Council some call the Italian Embassy in Belgrade. He has a lot of hurry.

immediately wants to talk with the ambassador's security guard, a police sergeant who until a year and a half ago, he worked in counter-terrorism section of the ROS in Milan. And it is a curious coincidence. Why in those hours prosecutor in Milan Marshal is proving a more incriminating stories for the Berlusconi government and Italian intelligence.

The true story of the abduction of Abu Omar: The sergeant said that X per hour, more or less the 12 of February 17, 2003, the imam stopped him in Via Guerzoni, halfway between the center and the outskirts of Milan , there are only agents of the CIA. Italian soldiers are also involved the seizure. And he knows, because that day the police sergeant, code-named Ludwig, is with them. They fall so

three years of official versions of that, one after the other, have always denied the presence of Italians in the commandos who kidnapped Abu Omar.

Starting with the statements by the Minister Carlo Giovanardi sent by Berlusconi last year to respond to the Parliament: "It is even conceivable," said Giovanardi on behalf of the entire government, "that has ever been in any any way authorized this kind of operation or, a fortiori, the Italian involvement in the same equipment. "

The general Nicolo Pollari, director of the earthquake, the military secret service, has always denied the cooperation of Italy. Like the general ha ripetuto poche settimane fa a Bruxelles davanti alla commissione del Parlamento europeo che indaga sulle operazioni segrete della Cia: «Noi non abbiamo assistito tali comportamenti e nemmeno partecipato né appoggiato questo tipo di attività».

Il maresciallo Ludwig non è il solo italiano coinvolto nell'inchiesta. Altri stanno per essere identificati come complici o testimoni: dovrebbero essere carabinieri, agenti dei servizi segreti oppure, ipotesi più remota, 007 privati ingaggiati per l'operazione. Ma il sottufficiale è al momento l'unico a rischiare già adesso il processo e il carcere per sequestro di persona. Perché il mese scorso il ministro della Giustizia uscente, Roberto Castelli , has finally refused to submit to the U.S. demand for extradition of CIA employees in service in Italy: are American agents of the 22 commandos who kidnapped Abu Omar, for which the deputy prosecutor in Milan, Armando Spataro, a year ago had called for the arrest. The minister also rejected a request by the Milan prosecutor's office to spread the Interpol notice for international research.

Thanks to Castelli, the CIA's 007 will be able to go anywhere in the world without running the risk of being apprehended and handed over to Italy. As public officials, the kidnappers threatened sentences of up to ten years. The more aggravating for the torture suffered by the Imam. But

a questo punto i carabinieri e gli altri italiani coinvolti nell'indagine manterranno la consegna del silenzio con la prospettiva di essere gli unici a pagare? Forse è proprio questo il motivo della misteriosa telefonata partita dal numero interno di Palazzo Chigi.

Ludwig deve il suo nome in codice ai capelli biondi e al fisico da tedesco. Dopo il sequestro di Abu Omar ha fatto carriera: è stato selezionato per il posto di addetto alla sicurezza dell'ambasciata a Belgrado, incarico a volte riservato ad agenti del Sismi. Ma è nella sezione antiterrorismo del Ros di Milano che cominciano e finiscono i suoi giorni del Condor: la partecipazione a quella che qualcuno, per il suo soprannome, già chiama "operazione Ludwig". La sezione antiterrorismo è la stessa da anni in prima linea nella caccia ai terroristi di Al Qaeda. E, con la Digos di Milano, è tra le squadre di investigatori più attive nel sud Europa. Tanto che, dopo l'attacco dell'11 settembre, la Cia è spesso negli uffici del Ros, nella grande caserma in via Lamarmora a un isolato dal Palazzo di Giustizia.

L'agente americano in contatto con i carabinieri è Robert Seldon Lady, 52 anni, nato in Honduras e capo della Cia a Milano. È un uomo massiccio, con la barba appena sbiancata dall'età e le mani grandi come badili. Lady, Bob per gli amici, è nell'elenco dei 22 agenti consegnato al ministro Castelli: ha lasciato l'Italia giusto in tempo per evitare l'arresto.

in investigations against Al Qaeda, between 2001 and 2004, Bob is available to the Italian investigators and provides news, photographic evidence, supertechnological bugs. It also makes many friends in both Ros, both in Digos, both among the staff of the North African regimes in action in Milan. In 2002, a few days before Christmas, invites all to a party. Appointment in the renovated farmhouse that Bob bought in the hills of Penang, the province of Asti. He misses a few months into retirement with his wife and decided to stay in Italy after the leave.

Under the gray sky that afternoon, investigators and intelligence agents of counter-parade in the short road that leads from the gate at home. Hugs, handshakes. Best wishes and glasses of red wine of the place.

It is reported in "The Express," the sergeant Ludwig is among the guests. Bob Lady is a dear friend. There is also a captain in the same section of the ROS. An officer who a few weeks ago, the earthquake has chosen from among 007 candidates. Possible that in three years no one has ever noticed that with the kidnapping of Abu Omar, a Marshal's and perhaps other employees were placed under the command of a foreign secret service? The day when all 007 of Milan can be found in the farmhouse Penango missing three months of the war in Iraq. The invasion plans are ready. And perhaps in a drawer of the U.S. Embassy in Rome is ready to report to get the green light from Washington operation Ludwig.

The target has a long name: Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt March 18, 1963. The Viale Jenner mosque in Milan in Via Quaranta and knows him as Abu Omar. The Ministry of the Interior has granted him political refugee status.

And Digos is stalking him for some time: the cleric is suspected of recruiting fighters and suicide bombers to be sent to the war in Iraq imminent. Maybe that December day, at his home in Piedmont, Bob Ludwig has already explained to the intentions of the CIA. Perhaps he has already told of the plan of Abu Omar to blow up the bus with the students of American School of Milan a plan where the Digos but has never found evidence. Bob Ludwig and still see each other again in the office of Ros. And then to dinner at the home of Ludwig, whenever Bob has to remain in Milan for business. On February 16, 2003, from what appears in "The Express" go together in via Guerzoni. It is a Sunday, there is little traffic. Maybe passing in front of the building via Conte Verde 18, where Abu Omar lived with his wife Nabila Ghali, in an apartment made available by the Viale Jenner mosque. At the end of the visit to Bob Ludwig delivered a cell phone. And he repeated what should be done. Marshal of the Ros must stop and ask Abu Omar documents. That's it. Or speak with his police badge in the case of the operation was hampered from the sudden control of a steering wheel or local police.

agents instead of Digos are no longer a problem: the stalking of Abu Omar had been suspended for at least two mesi.La morning, February 17, Ludwig is in office. His colleagues are engaged in a service Cremona.

He remains in Milan and at the appointed time - he says - the appointment is in motion. Must wait for the contact Maciachini square. He stops a car. The man at the wheel, the only one on board, calls him the code name. It is definitely Italian. Ludwig salt. Are three blocks, turn in Via Guerzoni and immediately see Abu Omar to walk. It's time X. Like a spy movie Bob Lady, director of the operation, not seen. The sergeant gets out and asks for the documents. The imam says he has understood. He repeats the question in English. The imam delivered the passport. Suddenly, a van parked nearby, hitting a team of men. Perhaps there is some American. But the speaker swears in Italian, without a foreign accent.

levying Abu Omar, who cries for help. Ludwig moves the Marshal will be swept away. In less than 30 seconds the truck part to the periphery. The sergeant remained motionless, with the passport of Abu Omar in one hand and the phone Bob Lady in the other. Throw everything into the car window that brought her here. The Italian at the wheel accelerates and leaves.

Soon after Ludwig's personal cell phone rang. It is a police officer who wants to learn about the employee. Maybe it's just a coincidence. But the mobile phone antennas on the roofs of the neighborhood record: location, numbers, duration of conversations. Across the street a woman sees Egypt's 007 in action and tell all to a friend. Within two days the Arab community in Milan knows that Abu Omar was kidnapped. It is presented the complaint to the Digos. The survey seems easy: just ask the Telecom companies and other data on telephone traffic in the time of the abduction. But the results will come only in October. And to no avail they do not cover calls February 17, but those of 17 March. After eight months we have to begin the investigation anew. Now the names of other Italians in action with the CIA could still hide behind the mobile phone numbers. Especially those who lost owner. Coverage obtained through the complicity of some telephone companies.

How did you find "The Express," hundreds of SIM cards are delivered periodically to the secret services without being registered. Ghost numbers to use and throw away after each dirty.


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