Sunday, July 9, 2006

Ap Biology Lab 5 Analysis ?s

Earthquakes, an agency of government disinformation.

of Salamandra

We emergency information, the landslide ethics of the relationship between press freedom and powers that be.

At the end of the season and the dark gray of Italian politics, one dominated by the government of the many conflicts of interests of Arcore Pinocchio Berlusconi, institutional problems, financial, social and political are then laid on the table. For five long years we have seen, in some cases immediately without being able to defend themselves, the strategy piduista development back in the seventies / eighties by a handful of figures.

Pass in 1981 - '82 the legal and institutional cleaning, they are back in vogue up to seize all the levers of power, upsetting the foundations of democratic life, leading the country into the abyss of a counter-constitutional which, by luck and shrewdness of the popular vote, was challenged by the referendum held soon.
But the ruins of our young democracy and tried again and smoke are only beginning to uncover the whitewashed tombs of the atrocities of the power system Berlusconi. Earthquakes
scandal, made of misinformation, wiretapping, surveillance and control of illegal political opponents, beginning with the journalists "uneven", it must push the political class, now a majority in Parliament and in the country, to demand the immediate resignation of those responsible for intelligence services, and to consider their reform. Not only that, but you have to give the media an opportunity to continue with the highest freedom in the work of investigation and complaint, to get to clean up when you have settled so far the tentacles of the "octopus piduista" in newspapers, television stations, in the apparatus of the state, active in politics, finance and in business. Together

emergency financial status, in short, the Prodi government will also face this other emergency ethics, which is based on mephitic conflict of interest that has been acted out by Berlusconi to resonate with many other characters that have revolved around how many satellites. Article 21

How we lead to expose the misdeeds of this system and at the same time we will proponents moments of analysis and proposals to bring the world of communication to its ethical commitments and professional ethics.

We then interviewed one of the "involuntary protagonists" of this latest spy scandal, Carlo Bonini, together with his colleague Giuseppe D'Avanzo of La Repubblica, the author of several journalistic investigations that have "broken eggs in the basket" of the earthquake and that have helped to shed light on the scandals of the last five years: from Telekom Serbia, the hoax of Saddam's nuclear weapons in Niger, the abduction of Abu Omar.

D. Meanwhile, how does it feel to be spied upon and stalked by a service. A VIP, or ...

R. "There is nothing to cheer about and be proud! But nothing, for many reasons: personal ones they can not imagine anyone, why can not it be nice to be stalked and spied on, listened to whatever one does in life is his job.
Then, it makes me more pleasure and less alarming to me why this happened. From what you can not understand now, the spying was directed not only to obviously make it difficult or impossible for our work, but in this case to commit crimes, to pervert the course of criminal investigations, making impossible to ascertain the truth.
was an illegal activity che insieme violava i miei diritti di persona, di individuo e cittadino, aggrediva la funzione il mestiere che faccio, della libera stampa, di poter raccogliere liberamente le informazioni e verificarne le attendibilità e pubblicarle, se ritenute di pubblico interesse, e aggrediva anche la funzione giudiziaria. Tutto questo sarebbe grave se lo facesse un privato, il fatto che venisse fatto da funzionari dello stato illegalmente, senza alcuna autorizzazione, rende la cosa evidentemente ancora più grave.”

D. In cinque anni di governo Berlusconi, secondo voi si è attenuata la legalità degli apparati dello stato? Non ti sembra che alcune personalità, un tempo coinvolte nella P2, ultimamente abbiano potuto use these devices in order to divert their homework?

R. "I will not speak of P2, because every time this symbol is named exactly the opposite of what should happen when events happen such as those we are discussing. And that is considering the merits of the issues.

I do not know and are able to make a prediction, nor do I like them on what was the degree of legality of the equipment on the eve of the inauguration of the Berlusconi government and what degree of law today. But I say one thing and say that I support because that is supported by facts and not opinions. In this country, in recent years, e parlo dell’intelligence politico-militare, quindi parliamo dei fatti in discussione in questi giorni, un importante, fondamentale apparato della sicurezza dello stato, cui per ragioni giuste all’indomani dell’11 settembre 2001 sono state affidate importantissime risorse umane e finanziarie, ha operato nella assoluta assenza di controllo parlamentare.

L’intelligence ha avuto una posizione di centralità segnata da un rapporto esclusivo e privilegiato dall’autorità politica, ovvero il governo, consapevole che questo rapporto privilegiato la poneva al di sopra sicuramente del dibattito pubblico, sicuramente del controllo pubblico a cominciare da quello dei giornali.

L’aggressione che The quake brought against journalists of the Republic and to some journalists, very few, alas, of other titles, and which now begin to see the first confirmation, was and is visible to everyone. No, with rare exceptions, has dared to denounce the campaign of aggression, which identified a problem, the impatience on the part of this equipment free of any control activities on its work, of course, control can be exercised outside the Parliament only by press.

SISMI in Berlusconi's Italy had become an agency of the misinformation that has fueled a market for political reasons of fear, practical policy agenda in which the government responded directly and exclusively.

Pio Pompa, who worked in the office with confidential employee dossier and misinformation in Via Nazionale 230, and arrived today in the news, it was not that the last wheel of this gear, handing out tissues on the recommendation of the Director of Earthquakes .

D. But even by the left, then the opposition and the majority of today's leg was caught in this latest spy scandal, as his time with the P2.

R. "I think the time is not long I hope, will help to understand the reasons for this timidity.
Today the only thing I can say is denouncing the effects. Policy and in the noble sense of the word, and therefore the fundamental choices of the country are under blackmail. "

D. In light of this what has happened to you and in the earthquake, it should re-read the killing of Calipari?

R. "I'm used to reason about the facts. The death of Nicola Calipari has nothing to do with the kidnapping of Abu Omar and the activities of organized disinformation and pollution from Earthquakes. For clarity of discussion, to establish the facts and respect for the memory of Nicola Calipari I hope that the issues continue to be kept distinct. "


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