Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dot On Clearblue Pregnancy Test

You are in schools work well ... A Verbal

make gif animation WHEN ...

When there is silence in the classroom;
when no one bothers ;
when c 'silence is incredible because there is no interest on things;
when you work in silence;
when you are careful;
when during interrogations, there is silence and we listen, we respect their classmates and the teacher;
when there is a favorite subject and have fun;
when you look at the videotapes;
during the lesson when you can not understand what the teacher says;
when no one is talking while the teacher is out;
when you scream teacher;
when the teacher does not get angry;
when there are checks and children can not speak;
when there are no checks or questions;
when you do well the tasks;
when you have finished the task;
when doing new things and simple;
when we do not lose time;
when the teacher is doing the rounds here and beyond;
when there is silence in the lunchroom;
when you play by the rules of the table;
when the canteen is not damage barrel under the table;
when eating in the canteen and recreation quietly;
when you eat quickly and not waste time;
when the boys are doing well, such as when they do not lose time or are not fools or silly;
when you play by the rules and, for example, raise your hand to speak;
when you're with friends or her friends, they talk, you play ...
for recreation, when you go along;
in the yard when you play together without fighting and is in harmony
recreation when you are inside, sitting at play;
when we are happy minutes for more than recreation;
when you should not talk too much;
when you are good;
when working well,
make gif animation all times in which we do things well and then we say to my mother ...



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