Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mammal And Reptile At 10 C Respiration

The right attacks by "Editorial" in the Journal of the brother-ino P2 (Paul B.)

But his salary arrives on time: € 16,500 monthly

- Drafting of -

autosospende the activity is institutional, but not by salary. Infrastructure Minister Antonio Di Pietro has decided to 'strike' against the pardon liked by the other parties of the Union and Monday only look at that, leaving out major works, bridges, highways, railways and procurement. But while his harangue with a bullhorn in front of the House, continues to receive his regular compensation. As a minister, Di Pietro earns € 5,300 per month gross incumbent on all members of the executive (parliamentary and not) plus € 11,200 gross (the so-called supplementary allowances, that only pertains to non-parliamentary ministers). In all, therefore, 16,500 €, to which are added benefits such as cars with driver and mobile phone service.

But beware of your monsters, Taormina took him to € 9800 and € 8600 for the server ... Who was the assistant?!? His wife of course ... And while the assassination lawyer Annamaria Franzoni earned her lavishly and latch on to our large, where the hell were "The Editor" and all other journalists as they dirty? In Parliament, of course, a free ride.

Sbafoni, we are sending you home! ITALY - P2 - 1-0 the ball Shoot-Left passes.

Meanwhile, today you have been pattona, Hon. Di Pietro was properly Deputies in Parliament to play its role Mistro for Infrastructure, and all right is not there, and I pay.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Windowblinds 7 Change Isid

Heroes without medals. (Our soldiers are killed by their bullets and blown by the wind spreading the deficiency of bankruptcy right)

Heroes without medals Siegfried Ranucci,
by Maurizio TorrealtaTratto by RaiNews24

A new

Rai News 24 investigation, the reasons for the failure to award gold medals to the fallen of Nasiriyah in which so many had instead announced the day after the massacre. Those heroes, whose death had moved across the country, died for the Italian State, have lost the highest honor for a soldier. Investigation also shows that some of the Italian soldiers in Nasiriyah killed in the massacre of 12 November 2003, died in the explosion of riservetta placed in front of the base "Mistral". The bodies of some of the soldiers were found belonging to the Italian troops fired bullets in following the terrorist. According to safety, the arms depot was to be safe from any attacchi.Tutto is reported in this' investigation Rai News24, created by Siegfried Ranucci and curated by Maurizio Torrealta, airing Thursday, June 29 on the satellite channel Rai 3 and up at 7.40. In the document, made Siegfried Envoy Ranucci, shows a new film where you see the base is attacked and clearly heard the shots from crazy riservetta exploding for ten minutes. The family lawyer Alessandro Carrisi, Corporal chosen army died in Nasiriyah, Francesca Conte said that his client is dead just because of the explosion of riservetta and probably other children may have died for the same reason. The former sergeant Domenico Leggiero, head of the observatory military defense fund showed a Rai News 24 unpublished photos taken immediately after the massacre, and said "that if they had been observed safety standards, the death toll probably would not have been so high. "The military prosecutor's office is investigating for some time on these events and it is currently investigating possible security lapses of the base. The board of the Prosecutor Antonino Intelisano there are two relationships: that of Army General Antonio Quintana, the other of the Carabinieri General Virgil Chirieleison. Both of them stressed the exemplary behavior of the soldiers who returned fire, no sooner had the perception of danger. But if the report of the police base is adequately protected, in the Army in relief on the safety management. In the movies, and documents, with new images shot by journalist Fabrizio Feo, even the defense of an Italian base in Kabul in 2003. L 'Siegfried Ranucci sent during the investigation has taken up the complaint of some of the families of the victims of the attack, outraged at the lack of recognition of the gold medal for military valor to their loved ones killed in Nasiriyah and especially the fact that there were never informed by the previous official institutions about the reasons for which it has been awarded the highest recognition militare.Dall 'survey and interviews to' on. Ignazio La Russa, and to 'former minister Maurizio Gasparri is clear that the reason why the gold medal was not awarded to victims of Nasiriyah and' because the Italian mission is framed within a humanitarian intervention. "If that's why - said Morris Carroll, brother of Alexander - it means that my brother killed twice, first with the attack, the second for the hypocrisy of people. "

Heroes without medals

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Wording For A Giftcard Bridal Shower

Judaism and Jewish history: the weight of three millennia

Judaism and Jewish history: the weight of three millennia
Foreword by Gore Vidal

Shahak is the latest, if not the last of the great prophets "At the end of the fifties, the great gossip and amateur historian who was John F. Kennedy said Harry Truman in 1948, just when he appeared presidential candidate, had been virtually abandoned by all. It was then that a Zionist American election went to see him on the train and handed him a briefcase with two million dollars in cash. That's why the United States immediately recognized the State of Israel. Unlike his father, old Joe, and my grandfather, Senator Gore, neither I nor Jack were anti-Semitic and commented on that episode as one of many funny stories that circulated on behalf of Truman and corruption and peaceful in the sunshine policy americana.Purtroppo, quell'affrettato recognition of the State of Israel has produced forty-five anni di confusione e di massacri oltre alla distruzione di quello che i compagni di strada sionisti credevano sarebbe diventato uno stato pluralistico, patria dei musulmani, dei cristiani e degli ebrei nati in Palestina e degli immigrati europei e americani, compreso chi era convinto che il grande agente immobiliare celeste avesse dato loro, per l'eternità, il possesso delle terre della Giudea e della Samaria. Poiché molti di quegli immigrati, quando erano in Europa, erano stati sinceri socialisti, noi confidavamo che non avrebbero mai permesso che il nuovo stato diventasse una teocrazia e che avrebbero saputo vivere, fianco a fianco, da eguali, con i nativi palestinesi.Disgraziatamente, le cose non andarono così. Non intendo passare ancora una volta review the wars and tensions that have afflicted and afflicted that unhappy region. I just remember that the hasty invention of Israel has poisoned the political and intellectual life of the United States, this unlikely patron of Israel. I say unlikely because, in U.S. history, no minority has ever so much money extorted from American taxpayers to invest in the "homeland." It 'was as if we the taxpayers have been forced to finance the Pope for the reconquest of the Papal States simply because one third of the inhabitants of the United States are religious cattolica.Se had attempted such a thing, there would be a violent reaction and Congress would have suffered much the opposite. In the case of Jews, a minority that represents less than two percent of the population has bought or intimidated seventy senators, two-thirds needed to nullify a presidential veto, however unlikely, and has benefited from the solid support of some media.In sense, I admire the way the Jewish lobby has managed to make, since then, billions and billions of dollars go to Israel "bulwark against Communism." In fact, the presence of the USSR and the weight of communism were in those regions, while significant and that the only thing that we Americans are able to do was to attract the hostility of the Arab world that was first a friend . Even more sensational is the misinformation about everything that happens in the Middle East and if the first victim of those blatant lies is the American taxpayer, on the contrary, so are the Jews of the United States are constantly blackmailed by terrorists as Begin and Shamir profession. Worse still, save a few honorable exceptions, Jewish-American intellectuals abandoned liberalism for concluding demented alliances with the Christian religious right political, anti-Semitic, and the military-industrial complex of the Pentagon. In 1985, one of those intellectuals openly stated that when the Jews arrived in the United States had found "more congenial to the public and political liberals, but now is interest Judaism ally with Protestant fundamentalists because, after all, 've probably some reason why we Jews must remain faithful, dogmatically and with hypocrisy, the ideas that we shared yesterday?. "At this point, the American left has been divided and those of us who criticize our former allies to the Jews that their foolish opportunism are now branded with the ritual epithet of "anti-Semitic" or "haters of themselves." Fortunately, the voice of reason is alive and strong and Israel is just the same. From Jerusalem, Israel Shahak, with its continuous and systematic analysis, exposes the disastrous Israeli policy and the Talmud, in other words the effect that the whole tradition Rabbinical the small state of Israel, the rabbis of the extreme right now want to turn into a theocracy ebrei.Shahak reserved only see with the eye of satire all the religions that claim to rationalize the irrational and, as a scholar, brings out contradictions in the texts. It 's a pleasure to read, with his leadership, the great hater of the kind that was Dr. Maimonides! Needless to say, the Israeli authorities deplore Shahak's work but can do nothing against a retired professor of chemistry, was born in Warsaw in 1933 who spent some years of his childhood in Nazi concentration camp at Belsen. In 1945 he went to Israel Shahak, he served in the Israeli army e non è diventato marxista negli anni in cui essere marxisti era di gran moda. Shahak era, ed è, un umanista che detesta l'imperialismo sia che si manifesti come il Dio di Abramo che come la politica di George Bush e, con lo stesso vigore, la stessa ironia e competenza, si oppone al nocciolo totalitario del giudaismo.Israel Shahak è un Thomas Paine più colto che continua a ragionare e, di anno in anno, ci rivela le propsepttive che abbiamo e ci dà gli strumenti per chiarirci la lunga storia che sta alle nostre spalle.Coloro che si preoccupano per lui saranno forse più saggi o, - devo proprio dirlo? - migliori, ma Shahak è il più recente, se non l’ultimo, dei grandi profeti.

Storia ebraica e giudaismo di Israel Shahak

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Sunday, July 9, 2006

What To Write In Wedding Guestbook

RENATO FARINA Renato Farina writes to us - to be released.

I giudici mi hanno interrogato sette ore. Ho detto tutta la verità. Che è questa: sì, ho aiutato i nostri servizi segreti a difendere l'Italia dai terroristi. E adesso vi spiego perché e come.

Caro Direttore, ti scrivo come si fa a un amico e a un padre. Se ritieni ancora degna la mia firma, magari per oggi e poi più, passa questa lettera ai lettori e ai colleghi di Libero. Dopo di che mandami a casa, se credi. Privatamente in queste ore a te - che eri ignaro dei miei casini - ho detto tutto e anche di più, ma è meglio fermare things on paper. When did the Fourth World War, that unleashed by Osama Bin Laden in the name of Islam against the West and cross-jew, I was animated by heroic. You know me as your pockets. My ambition has always been unconsciously that of Karol Wojtyla: he died in travel, I on the front, perhaps in Iraq or Qatar. They are also immodest in comparison. Vanity and involvement of the mutual, unconscious, but I thought, throwing all. You already know of my adventures in Serbia on a knife-risk, sure to be able to tell things better but if it can resolve the problems of the world. Have you ever tried to reason with me, to hold me. Then usually you surrender: I can not conceive any other how to be a journalist. I remember your outburst when I went near Iraq without telling you anything, and in most writing an article about headhunters of a Bulgarian truck driver near the scene of the crime. Have you always wanted to save my life, are an unfortunate but you love me. Perhaps love me today is to change my job. Think about it, Victor. Again, since 2001, even today (if there is a tomorrow depends on whether you believe me), I acted my way: Ale, in battle.

This time I was heard, but so no, it is too heavy. I've broken a leg, I did not have the lung wash from a chip lead, but it was my honor amputee. On almost all the newspapers and the screens have become the image of the betrayal of readers and professional ethics, he, that guy is so fat that the moralist and pulls out the name of God in all three rows. Hypocrite of a meal, and even of "agent Birch". Other than a journalist or polemicist. Only a puppet in the hands of secret agents. One that sidetrack the investigation.

I just returned from seven hours of interrogation, I would like to tell, but it was secret. I'll write what I can, you, Director and friend, I have not concealed anything. I read something beautiful in your eyes, giving me courage and will to live, as my wife, and sorry if you put in after her, though I've defined your "wife". But I also know that a director has duties, can not afford to ruin his own son who is damaging the newspaper and his crew of editors. Plus Free is a flag. Dirty it is also an insult to our wonderful readers, who do not deserve to be offended. So I confess. I gave a hand to our military intelligence, SISMI.

I spent them the news. I have received. I even tried contacts with terrorists, providing my knowledge but my corpaccione to save some lives, and defend our fellow men. I assure you, and brings into play the salvation of my soul: I have not written a single line in Libero not coincide with my beliefs.

In any article where I defended our intelligence of State (= Italy) and its actions against terrorism, I was ioproprio-I. Good or bad, but myself. I fought with my readers - never with invective, but always arguing - who for years did not miss a day without trying to demolish the credibility of institutions. I think that is dangerous for the children of my readers. I've used everything, I think within the bounds of legality, of course following a hectic but very strong moral choice. They are rhetorical I know. I'm building a monument, but all I have jotted down in advance. If they had put the rumor that I was a source of the KGB, would have raised a chorus of guarantee. Be on the side of us, giocandosela, but worth the shot immediately.

There was an exception (besides you), that of Giuliano Ferrara. He dedicated words of friendship and respect extraordinary, I understood perfectly. Has come to offer me a job, which is the maximum. I said thanks, but I have mine. If you, Victor, I care about. But if you hold me, I stop. There is nothing else to do in life, although I regret not writing more slamming here and there. Why is clear: if in my readers, those who respect me, and those who work with me, reading my signature, whenever a doubt arose in my loyalty, should lead to tolerance. The fields need arms, but I'll manage better in the kitchen. Giulianone beloved asked me to do the virgin and proudly claim that I have done: that is, with all my might have chosen to side with the West and those who work to protect it.

confirm. Do not move a step back from my decision. But I am. Are not of the level of Ferrara or Graham Greene, that he impippano of professional ethics which prohibits journalists to be careful and services. In war, not only can, but you should, if there is dancing in the great asset of our ancestry and tradition. All right. But the manner of Andreotti I trust the judiciary, and I accept with serenity the decision of the Order of Journalists. Moreover being accused of collusion with the Earthquakes is a bit 'different from the common cause with the Camorra or the selling out to traitors.

Meanwhile, I continue to confess: I did not throw off anything, I've been a journalist for being a spy well camouflaged. But certainly a mistake I did. I involved in this adventure of my fifties, as a superb reporter Claudio Antonelli. His work has no blemish, he did his job and nothing else. I have broad shoulders and I'm old. But he is young, so I should not let him risk his reputation, without knowing anything of earthquakes and the like. I ask your pardon. I did not know or expose it to the back of shots. Beccatemi Me too, he was not. Similarly, I apologize to my fellow editors if they feel betrayed. Your estimate is important, not to work again, but just to get by

In this world war is not to tell the helicopter went down as Islamic terrorists sow terror among the population more or less Christian. But I tried to do everything and more to defend our country and its civilization Catholic. And after this self-praise, perhaps even more than I deserve dismissal. But voglimi well the same, with all my sins.

What Can You Buy With The Lone Star Card At Heb

I had a teacher named Renato Farina.

of Giorgio Santelli

Renato Farina was my first teacher of journalism. I do not know if it's a merit or demerit. But at Monza at the beginning 80s, was the cultural center Talamoni to make a dozen lessons in journalism cured by him. I went there, little more than fifteen. He was the first to tell me the rule of five "w", the starting point for any budding journalist.

I have to tell the truth. I liked and easy-going man brianzoleggiante. Then, of him, I have not shared anything with what he thought and thought. But you want or not want, is always me who initiated the profession. Of those lessons to remember that journalism securities. Farina gave us homework. We did them and were then discussed with him. At the time I titolai: "E 'the grandfather of the dead Italians." It was a title for a sort of crocodile dedicated to Sandro Pertini then more alive than ever. Before you read the title I made up and make it part of a lesson on the securities to effect, said the silence in the room. He created suspense before we have the fake news of the death of Pertini with my title. And then continued the lesson. For fifteen years that began to write was a great success.

Renato Farina I have not crossed over, until last year when, RaiSat Extra, we began a strip three times a week dedicated to him and Felt, Title: The flour, leavened with the facts of the general Renato Farina . While sharing little of what he said I sympathized with the transmission so strange and so out of the concept of television formats and in-depth information. In short, a beautiful drive why not acceptable in the editorial line. So for me, a real enhancement of pluralism. Bella because her views as those of Victor Felts were different from others, including my own and this was no mystery.

Today I read in Libero, Renato Farina's letter defending a new figure who unfortunately no place in the profession: that of journalist-spy. It looks bad this definition: indeed, it is. But this meal was. He passed the news to the Earthquakes and the Earthquakes went to him.

I'll be back in the early '80s, those lessons journalism. Farina would have never made the journalist-as an indicator of the possibilities of the profession? I do not think, in fact. I am convinced that he would not have ever done. And today is not sufficient justification that "the world has changed" or that "we are making a fourth world war against terrorism."

Journalists must do journalists, spies spies, soldiers, the military and so forth. For this

Renato Farina was wrong. A merger between the two is the worst thing we can be in the profession. Worst of tissue put through by the politicians, the worst news of all full of love Emilio Fede.

Renato Farina, a good Christian, ask forgiveness. We, as good Christians, we are willing to grant it. And the mistakes are forgiven even by laymen. But it must have the courage to say that was wrong and that he is not the stereotype of the good professional. Unfortunately, in his open letter to Victor Felts he does not admit this. Renato Repent, because forgiveness is possible, and champion of Christianity must know, if the repentance is genuine.

Ap Biology Lab 5 Analysis ?s

Earthquakes, an agency of government disinformation.

of Salamandra

We emergency information, the landslide ethics of the relationship between press freedom and powers that be.

At the end of the season and the dark gray of Italian politics, one dominated by the government of the many conflicts of interests of Arcore Pinocchio Berlusconi, institutional problems, financial, social and political are then laid on the table. For five long years we have seen, in some cases immediately without being able to defend themselves, the strategy piduista development back in the seventies / eighties by a handful of figures.

Pass in 1981 - '82 the legal and institutional cleaning, they are back in vogue up to seize all the levers of power, upsetting the foundations of democratic life, leading the country into the abyss of a counter-constitutional which, by luck and shrewdness of the popular vote, was challenged by the referendum held soon.
But the ruins of our young democracy and tried again and smoke are only beginning to uncover the whitewashed tombs of the atrocities of the power system Berlusconi. Earthquakes
scandal, made of misinformation, wiretapping, surveillance and control of illegal political opponents, beginning with the journalists "uneven", it must push the political class, now a majority in Parliament and in the country, to demand the immediate resignation of those responsible for intelligence services, and to consider their reform. Not only that, but you have to give the media an opportunity to continue with the highest freedom in the work of investigation and complaint, to get to clean up when you have settled so far the tentacles of the "octopus piduista" in newspapers, television stations, in the apparatus of the state, active in politics, finance and in business. Together

emergency financial status, in short, the Prodi government will also face this other emergency ethics, which is based on mephitic conflict of interest that has been acted out by Berlusconi to resonate with many other characters that have revolved around how many satellites. Article 21

How we lead to expose the misdeeds of this system and at the same time we will proponents moments of analysis and proposals to bring the world of communication to its ethical commitments and professional ethics.

We then interviewed one of the "involuntary protagonists" of this latest spy scandal, Carlo Bonini, together with his colleague Giuseppe D'Avanzo of La Repubblica, the author of several journalistic investigations that have "broken eggs in the basket" of the earthquake and that have helped to shed light on the scandals of the last five years: from Telekom Serbia, the hoax of Saddam's nuclear weapons in Niger, the abduction of Abu Omar.

D. Meanwhile, how does it feel to be spied upon and stalked by a service. A VIP, or ...

R. "There is nothing to cheer about and be proud! But nothing, for many reasons: personal ones they can not imagine anyone, why can not it be nice to be stalked and spied on, listened to whatever one does in life is his job.
Then, it makes me more pleasure and less alarming to me why this happened. From what you can not understand now, the spying was directed not only to obviously make it difficult or impossible for our work, but in this case to commit crimes, to pervert the course of criminal investigations, making impossible to ascertain the truth.
was an illegal activity che insieme violava i miei diritti di persona, di individuo e cittadino, aggrediva la funzione il mestiere che faccio, della libera stampa, di poter raccogliere liberamente le informazioni e verificarne le attendibilità e pubblicarle, se ritenute di pubblico interesse, e aggrediva anche la funzione giudiziaria. Tutto questo sarebbe grave se lo facesse un privato, il fatto che venisse fatto da funzionari dello stato illegalmente, senza alcuna autorizzazione, rende la cosa evidentemente ancora più grave.”

D. In cinque anni di governo Berlusconi, secondo voi si è attenuata la legalità degli apparati dello stato? Non ti sembra che alcune personalità, un tempo coinvolte nella P2, ultimamente abbiano potuto use these devices in order to divert their homework?

R. "I will not speak of P2, because every time this symbol is named exactly the opposite of what should happen when events happen such as those we are discussing. And that is considering the merits of the issues.

I do not know and are able to make a prediction, nor do I like them on what was the degree of legality of the equipment on the eve of the inauguration of the Berlusconi government and what degree of law today. But I say one thing and say that I support because that is supported by facts and not opinions. In this country, in recent years, e parlo dell’intelligence politico-militare, quindi parliamo dei fatti in discussione in questi giorni, un importante, fondamentale apparato della sicurezza dello stato, cui per ragioni giuste all’indomani dell’11 settembre 2001 sono state affidate importantissime risorse umane e finanziarie, ha operato nella assoluta assenza di controllo parlamentare.

L’intelligence ha avuto una posizione di centralità segnata da un rapporto esclusivo e privilegiato dall’autorità politica, ovvero il governo, consapevole che questo rapporto privilegiato la poneva al di sopra sicuramente del dibattito pubblico, sicuramente del controllo pubblico a cominciare da quello dei giornali.

L’aggressione che The quake brought against journalists of the Republic and to some journalists, very few, alas, of other titles, and which now begin to see the first confirmation, was and is visible to everyone. No, with rare exceptions, has dared to denounce the campaign of aggression, which identified a problem, the impatience on the part of this equipment free of any control activities on its work, of course, control can be exercised outside the Parliament only by press.

SISMI in Berlusconi's Italy had become an agency of the misinformation that has fueled a market for political reasons of fear, practical policy agenda in which the government responded directly and exclusively.

Pio Pompa, who worked in the office with confidential employee dossier and misinformation in Via Nazionale 230, and arrived today in the news, it was not that the last wheel of this gear, handing out tissues on the recommendation of the Director of Earthquakes .

D. But even by the left, then the opposition and the majority of today's leg was caught in this latest spy scandal, as his time with the P2.

R. "I think the time is not long I hope, will help to understand the reasons for this timidity.
Today the only thing I can say is denouncing the effects. Policy and in the noble sense of the word, and therefore the fundamental choices of the country are under blackmail. "

D. In light of this what has happened to you and in the earthquake, it should re-read the killing of Calipari?

R. "I'm used to reason about the facts. The death of Nicola Calipari has nothing to do with the kidnapping of Abu Omar and the activities of organized disinformation and pollution from Earthquakes. For clarity of discussion, to establish the facts and respect for the memory of Nicola Calipari I hope that the issues continue to be kept distinct. "

Wax Job Before And After

What I wish now is to take care of that meal that literally massacred Enzo Baldoni just kidnapped.

of Pino Scaccia

There are pieces annoying to write. The story of Birch, already. I will not merit because I'm not used to make judgments on colleagues who do so must surely take the right decision. I do so for many years that the reporter is not a virgin and I know well, even up close, relations with the secret services. We say that there is a big difference between a journalist and give information (especially if paid), but it is a speech that maybe we will again. What I would like now, and trouble me precisely, is to take care of that meal that literally massacred just kidnapped Enzo Baldoni (you know, we were together and understand the distinguished colleague if I take it personally). With anxiety in the family had the shamelessness of assuming a autorapimento mocked.

Beyond the taste sound strange today his words on that occasion: "The intelligence experts Atlantic have many doubts about the whole affair. The face of the prisoner does not show up for the inevitable contraction Who is on the brink of the abyss. Do not look around to Italian masked gunmen. It could be a play . "You know, now that we know of relations with intelligence experts Atlantic is almost laughable. (Recorded indispensable Farina has publicly admitted to having collaborated with the Free Sismi, indeed it claims).

The same Mr Deputy will be back a week later, however, plenty of describing in detail, only he, the barbaric murder of Enzo. Oh, not a journalist but maybe the man could escape even a very small regret for those words unjust, but nothing, reporter all in one piece. Not even a tear. Yet in the letter to the editor this morning wants to show that they have a soul. The attack is a pearl and gives much thought. Text: "When did the fourth world war, one waged by Osama Bin Laden in the name of Islam against the West and cross-jew, I was animated by heroic. (...) My ambition has always been unconsciously that of Karol Wojtyla: he died in travel, I on the front, perhaps in Iraq or Qatar. They are also immodest in comparison. Vanity and involvement of the mutual, unconscious, but I thought, throwing all. You already know of my adventures in Serbia on a knife-risk, sure to be able to tell things better but if it can resolve the problems of the world. Have you ever tried to reason with me, to hold me. Then usually you surrender: I can not conceive any other way to be a journalist. I remember your outburst when I went near Iraq without telling you anything, and in most writing an article about headhunters of a Bulgarian truck driver near the scene of the crime .

Let's start with the approach to the Pope? Or the confusion in the theater of war? In Iraq you can die, or rather you die, so many reporters have died because there are gone. In Qatar no, to the maximum you can die of boredom as I have told many colleagues had to spend months in the paradise of Doha.

But here's the pearl of pearls: " I remember your outburst when I went to Iraq without telling you anything near . When he had gone near Iraq. You see, went near Iraq. But that heroic act. Near. People like us, and we are many, that within Iraq there 'for months and has been physically located between two fires, one aberrant Islamic terrorists and that American arrogance, what is it? More than heroes, martyrs are in this profession. Think, we went there to tell what was happening. Not close, inside. To understand, not through a phone call away to National, but with the courage to look with your own eyes. We professional journalists

e magari qualche freelance curioso e coraggioso come Enzo che addirittura ci va gratis. Pensate, noi due quel giorno che andiamo a Najaf per vedere da vicino perché un giovane pazzo furioso come al Sadr aveva deciso di fare la guerra a tutto e a tutti. Sentirsi una bomba sotto il sederino, tremare insieme in una stradina cieca per le cannonate. Sul filo del rischio... Finalmente forse ho capito quel pezzaccio di Farina contro Enzo. Invidia, semplicemente invidia. Perché per andare lì, e non prometterlo a parole, ci vogliono le palle. Solo le palle.

Cartman Join Nambla Clown Hat Clip

Mexico and TV''private''- and toady Servants -

- Le vergogne non son soltanto Italiane! -

di Pino Finocchiaro

E 'on the day of protest in Mexico. Manifested in the capital, Mexico City, the PRD, the Party of Democratic Revolution. Its leader, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador did not accept the result of the polls. Too little scrap, 236 000 votes, too many doubts about the fairness of the voting process. There is talk of more than two million votes incorrectly assigned. The heavy influence of the two national commercial networks, both legislatively favored by outgoing President Vicente Fox and general manager of Coca Cola in Mexico. Even Subcomandante Marcos - who had opposed during the election campaign Obrador - now speaks openly of electoral fraud to secure the victory of Obrador.

The conservative Felipe Calderon of Pan, the National Action Party, said he was in favor of a coalition government. But the demonstration in Mexico City shows that the progressive Mexican or not, they won.

Obrador has called on the Federal Electoral Tribunal of the recount at least 30 000 seats. "I am an honest person - Felipe Calderon defended himself who proclaimed himself president of Mexico - I know there's no doubt about who won. The PRD knows exactly how things are."

The count will end on September 6: only then will be formally declared the new president of the federation Mexican.

Sunday, July 2, 71 million Mexicans were called to choose a new president, to appoint new Members and to change or confirm the guidance of different administrative districts.

And it was a war game again on the wire television oligopoly. Only two large issuers engaged until the nausea to remove the image of the center-left candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, PRD, Partido Revolucion democracy, defying the successor designated by President Fox, Felipe Calderon, Pan, Partido Accion Nacional. The more secluded place was Roberto Madrazo, PRI, Partido Revolucionario istitucional, also fell behind in the polls.

The most popular in Mexico, Lopez Obrador, AMLO said. Gained popularity in the field as mayor of Mexico City. Gained popularity, turning to the poorest of the population, going neighborhood by neighborhood, city to city talking to ordinary people. Witnesses of this work, only the TV political community, local colleges and universities in Mexico have assumed a key role both as regards investigations and for products with a high cultural content. Also because there is a public service broadcaster.

Just the local television and universities have been penalized by the last reform bill in Mexico television desired by the party of Vicente Fox. So much so that the law was sopranominata Televisa, named after one of the two commercial broadcasters that it benefits the other is Tele Azteca. Both are now committed to redeem the debt with the majority investing Lopez Obrador's allegations, such as having violated the law by allowing some infrastructure works needed to connect a hospital in Santa Fe. The charges against Lopez Obrador have been provided by two private national television until the nausea.

Lopez Obrador has responded in turn looked down and taking a country where they live a hundred million people, six times as great in Italy. In return, the PRI and PAN have been able to take advantage of free electoral space grids national. Amlo was limited to a few essential presences.

The relationship with the national TV has never been good. Broadcasters Amlo accused of corruption, has aired video of collaborators until the exhaustion of the former mayor of Mexico City that have applied for or received kickbacks from a contractor.

The people of Mexico City did not believe the allegations. To defend against accusations center-left leaders took to the streets a million and half people. The charges were dropped.

Lopez Obrador is still tied Mexico's wealthiest man, the king of supermarkets Slim, counts with the collaboration of many people of former President Salinas, PRI, the Institutional Revolutionary Party which had ruled Mexico for 71 years. So it would guarantee choices "Westerners", maintaining good relations with the United States and the International Monetary Fund, but without servility.

against Lopez Obrador also had sided with Subcomandante Marcos, who got so to speak of the autonomy of Chiapas on TV. Yet the only candidate who has taken charge of the campesinos of the problem is just Amlo. Now Marcos defends him although still not as a good candidate.

to monitor the vote had reached 693 observers from 60 countries. Several complaints of vote trading. The investigations are continuing. But to know what happens Mexico's best not to listen to the mainstream media. They have too many bills to be redeemed with the party of Fox and Calderon.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

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Rights TV: Berlusconi to trial and Confalonieri.

Rights TV: Berlusconi to trial and Confalonieri

indicted in the investigation into alleged fund created by Mediaset blacks with the sale of TV rights. This was decided by the judge for preliminary hearing Fabio Paparella

MILAN - Silvio Berlusconi and Fedele Confalonieri have been indicted in the investigation into alleged fund created by Mediaset blacks with the sale of TV rights. This was decided by the judge for preliminary hearing Fabio Paparella.

addition Berlusconi and Confalonieri, there are 11 other defendants (including the British lawyer David Mills) for crimes ranging from misappropriation, tax evasion, false accounting, receiving stolen goods and money laundering. The process, according to judicial sources said, will begin Nov. 21.

The facts regarding the sale of film and TV rights for 470 million euro to be issued by Fininvest, the holding company which owns Mediaset, through two offshore companies in the period 1994-1999. The hypothesis of charge is that U.S. companies have sold the TV rights to two offshore companies which were then resold them with a strong increase in prices to Mediaset to circumvent the Italian tax authorities and funds to create blacks.


Thursday, July 6, 2006

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The UN and Iraq: a shameful history

The UN and Iraq: a shameful history

Hans von Sponeck

What is success has put us in front of two very important issues: Iraq and UN reform. The same process to Saddam Hussein is part of these problems. He must certainly pay for the crimes committed against his people. But the same principle should be equally valid for crimes against humanity committed by those who, despising the human suffering that have caused, have imposed economic sanctions on Iraq, conducted a secret war in parts of the country off-limits to flight and they abused, mutilated, tortured and killed Iraqis.

E 'was from 1998 to 2000 the United Nations coordinator in Iraq of the "oil for food". Professor of demography and anthropology, has worked for more than thirty years to the UN. The article is from Horizons et débats, n.33

When you talk about the role played by the United Nations before and after the invasion of Iraq by the U.S., Britain and other countries in the coalition of "willing "It is important first make a clear distinction between the politicians and officials who make these choices made, namely between the members of the Security Council and the UN Secretariat.

This is to clarify how the main responsibilities of the humanitarian disaster in Iraq should fall primarily on the members of the Council. For their part, it was a real betrayal not only of the Iraqi people but of the Charter of the United Nations.

recolonisation IRAQ

politicians have hidden behind the screen of the Security Council to make it possible in 2003, an illegal war. Many now eat some serious doubts that the American and British governments have caused by force of arms with the fall of the Iraqi regime to the whole world into believing that it was applying international law to peacefully resolve the conflict and protect the people of that country. In addition, when the war ended, the world public opinion has moved and those who had desired and had not developed any strategy for peace.

Their goal was primarily to make Iraq into a vise and then justify the occupation of the country, creating confusion and resorting to deception. Many Iraqi officials have been dismissed without the slightest proof of guilt, only because they belonged to the Baath party. Then they were promulgated to decree laws Provisional Authority (CPA): their purpose was to re-colonize the country economically and create a dependence, as is the case, for example, in the agricultural sector from which the seeds have been removed to leave Iraq the place to GMOs imported from the U.S..

How the UN Security Council has responded to these violations of international law? For more than ten years, it approved everything that was done by two of the six permanent members (the U.S. and Britain), each of their first choice policy aimed at isolating Iraq and then to change the rules of procedure. The debates that have followed, then, have shown that the various members of the Council were fully aware of the humanitarian crisis in that country, but at the same time they lacked the will to take the necessary measures to remedy this tragic situation.


All Council members were aware that the link between the disarmament of Iraq and the economic sanctions taken against that country, simply meant that people had to pay a high price for the policy of his government in terms of survival and quality of life. You must know that the restrictions imposed by the Security Council acting by the "oil for food", would take seriously affect the chances of survival of many Iraqis. They knew that the Council refused to authorize payment of the money received to the Central Bank of Iraq was needed to finance the training of personnel, technical infrastructure and education, would force the Iraqi leaders to get some money illegally. Just as they knew that the creation of two areas off-limits to air travel within the country, it would not be served - as claimed - to protect ethnic and religious groups from repressive government, but rather simply to destabilize Iraq. In fact, the American and British rulers, after the operation in December '98, using the air space as a place of exercise for their bombers and their combat aircraft. The six members of the Security Council so they knew that civilians were massacred, but never discussed the legality of the no-fly zones, when it could jeopardize unilateral actions of two States that had imposed such a choice without a warrant of 'UN.

moral conscience and passive obedience

The UN Secretariat has bowed to the U.S. and Britain when they decided to impose a regime of economic sanctions that would lead to a real human tragedy. As the Secretariat will not say anything when Washington and London will break with the international community to begin the invasion illegal occupation of Iraq. Then, when the fundamental principles of the United Nations will become the subject of intense debate, Kofi Annan will not react at all. Shortly before, Henri Blix, the first UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, was hanging a report on progress made by the survey on the presence or absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and had requested an extension of its mandate to complete its work. The UN Secretariat would take this opportunity to criticize U.S. and British war plans, but chose to abstain from doing so, so much so that in March 2003 withdrew its inspectors from Iraq. Serious violations of international law by members of the Security Council and disdain ostentatious compared to an international institution that was created primarily to prevent wars, it represented a challenge to all those who believed in the UN: to show publicly that the most important thing was to have a moral conscience rather than passively obey.

After the illegal invasion of Iraq, the Security Council would be useful to open a serious debate on the contempt shown by the occupying forces of the military conventions created because the army would comply with the Hague and Geneva conventions.

But the management of the Iraq conflict by the Council will enter into the history books as a huge setback suffered by the international community. Historians should focus attention on the fact that all over the world, the voice of the highest UN body that has been supported by the people. This item has in fact never ceased to denounce the U.S. and British governments for their brutal behavior with regard to Iraq, before, during and after their illegal war. UNSOLVED PROBLEMS

What has happened has put us in front of two very important issues: Iraq and UN reform. The same process to Saddam Hussein is part of these problems. He must certainly pay for the crimes committed against his people. But the same principle should be equally valid for crimes against humanity committed by those that, disregarding the human suffering it caused, have imposed economic sanctions on Iraq, conducted a secret war in parts of the country off-limits to flight and they abused, mutilated, tortured and killed Iraqis. Besides Saddam, then, other people should appear in the dock.

That said, we can say that the situation in this country remains an unsolved problem for both the international peace movement for the citizens and citizens aware of their responsibilities.

There are some problems that are primarily made from them: first, that concerns the United Nations. Are sunk when they were unable to prevent economic sanctions, an illegal war and destruction caused by military occupation. This means that the peace movement must ensure that it is found that now all the responsibility for what happened. We must make it clear that everything has been done in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights is nothing but a caricature of what is really freedom, democracy and human rights. In the medium term, provided the peace movement because it will push to open every level, a real debate on UN reform in order to help create an international institution immune from abuse of power. Secondly, this international movement can not only react to economic sanctions unjustified or illegal wars. It should be a deep self-critical question of why his action failed. Today we are threatened by many socio-economic and political dangers. In the medium term, the movement will have to abandon any discussion of the conflicts that erupted as a result of personal ambitions and concentrate rather on a more organized response in times of international crises, growing a shared commitment and a coordinated strategy.

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War on children in Palestine

War on Children in Palestine
Why vote for Hamas was a vote for peace.

John Pilger

The reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is likely not to work dependably in repressing its own people on behalf of Israel. In reality, the vote for Hamas was a vote for peace. The Palestinians were tired of the failures and corruption of the Arafat era. According to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center certifies the election victory of Hamas, "the opinion polls show that 80% of Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel."


Arthur Miller, "Few of us can easily abandon the view that there should be in effect in the society. The thought that the state has become insane and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. Because the evidence must be erased at home."

The truth of Miller popped on television on June 9, when Israeli warships fired on families picnicking on the Gaza intent, killing seven people, including three children, from three generations. This represents a final solution, agreed that sees the United States and Israel, the Palestinian problem. While the Israelis pull up homes and picnics Palestinian rockets in Gaza and the West Bank, the two governments have condemned them to hunger. The victims will be mostly children.

This was approved on May 23 by the U.S. House of Representatives, which voted with 361 against 17 votes to cut funding to non-governmental organizations that maintain a thread of life with occupied Palestine. Israel is refusing to pay money to the Palestinians for 60 million dollars a year from tax revenues. This collective punishment, identified as a crime against humanity under the Geneva Conventions, evokes the Nazi strangulation of the Warsaw Ghetto and the American economic siege of Iraq in 90 years. If the perpetrators are now idle, according to Miller's suggestion, however, seems to understand their barbarism and do shows your cynicism. "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet", was the raillery of Dov Weinglass, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

This is the price Palestinians must pay for their democratic elections held in January. By a majority vote the party happened to the "wrong", Hamas, which Israel and the U.S., with their inimitable inclination towards specks in the eyes of others and in their beams, describe as terrorist. Terrorism, however, is not the reason for fasting imposed on the Palestinians, whose prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas has reaffirmed the address of the Jewish state to recognize, and objected only to recognize that Israel respects international law and the borders of 67. Israel refused, as with the ongoing construction of the Apartheid Wall, has clear intent: to take even Palestine, encircling whole villages and eventually Jerusalem.

The reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is likely not to work dependably in repressing its own people on behalf of Israel. In reality, the vote for Hamas was a vote for peace. The Palestinians were tired of the failures and corruption of the Arafat era. According to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center certifies the election victory of Hamas, "the opinion polls show that 80% of Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel."

There is irony in all this when one considers that the rise of Hamas was due significantly to the covert support it receives from Israel, with U.S. and Britain, wanted Islamists minassero bases secular Arabism and his dream "moderates" of freedom. Hamas declined this Machiavellian logic and under Israeli attacks maintained a ceasefire for 18 months. The aim of the Israeli attack on Gaza beach was clearly the sabotage of the ceasefire. It is famous for an old tactic.

Now, state terror, in the shape of a medieval siege is to be applied to the most vulnerable. For the Palestinians, a war against their children do not have anything again. A 2004 study in the British Medical Journal reported that, during the previous four years, "Two-thirds of the 621 children killed ... [the Israelis] and went to school in their homes, died from strokes of light firearms, in direct over half the cases to the head, neck, chest - the sign of the sniper. " A fourth Palestinian child under the age of five years was acutely and chronically malnourished. The Israeli wall "will put in solitary confinement 97 clinics and 11 hospitals from their user base."

study spoke of "a man in a village near Qalqilya fenced hours, he approached the gate leading to his daughter's arms and begging the soldiers seriously ill service to let him take her to the hospital. The soldiers refused.

Gaza, now closed as a prison camp outside and terrified by sonic booms of Israeli combat aircraft, has a population of which almost half are under 15 years. Dr Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist leading a project on mental health of children, he said, "The statistic that I find intolerable p that 99.4% of children in the observation that we are suffering from trauma ... 99.2% had bombed the home, 97.5% were exposed to tear gas, 96.6% witnessed shootings, a third saw family members or neighbors injured or killed. "

These children suffering from nightmares continuous and "nights of terror" and the drama of having to deal with these situations. On the one hand, wish to become doctors or nurses so "they can help others", and second, this framework often succumbs under the apocalyptic vision of themselves as the next generation of suicide bombers. Invariably this happens after an Israeli attack. For some of the boys, their heroes have ceased to be the heroes of the ball, replaced by a confusion of Palestinian "martyrs" and even the enemy, given that "Israeli soldiers are the strongest and have Apache combat helicopters."

that these children would now be punished further may exceed human comprehension, but there is logic. Over the years, Palestinians have managed to not fall into the abyss of total civil war, knowing that the Israelis want. Destroying their elected government while seeking to build a parallel administration around the collusive Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, may well produce what the Oxford academic Karma Nabulsi calls "a Hobbesian vision of a society without rules ... ruled by militias skids, gangs, religious ideologues of ethnic and religious tribalism, and collaborators. Look at Iraq today here is what [Ariel Sharon] had in Serbia for us. "

The conflict in Palestine is an American war, waged by the U.S. military base more heavily armed, Israele. Nell'occidente, siamo condizionati a non pensare alla guerra israelo-palestinese in questi termini, come del resto siamo condizionati a pensare agli Israeliani come le vittime, e non i brutali e fuori legge occupanti. In questo modo non si intende sottostimare le spietate iniziative dello stato israeliano, ma senza gli F16 e gli Apache e i milioni di dollari sborsati dal contribuente americano, Israele avrebbe fatto la pace con i Palestinesi da un pezzo. Dalla seconda guerra mondiale, gli USA hanno versato ad Israele qualcosa come 140 miliardi di dollari, per la più parte in armamenti. Secondo il Servizio di Ricerca del Congresso, per la stessa voce di bilancio sono stati pagati 28 milioni di dollari "per aiutare in Palestinesi a gestire la presente situazione conflict "and provide" first aid ". In what has now been vetoed.

The parallels drawn by Karma Nabulsi with Iraq is really appropriate, because here we apply the same" politics. "The capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a terrific event Median: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called "action as propaganda", with a few hooks to reality. The Americans and those who act as their dogs of war have taken their demon - even the video games of his house flying to pieces. The truth is that Zarqawi was largely their art invention. This apparent murder has a specific propaganda purpose, distracting the rest of us in the West from the real U.S. goal of turn Iraq, like Palestine, into a society of weak ethnic and religious tribalism. Death squads, formed and trained by veterans of the CIA "counter-insurgency" in Latin America, have a key role in this. The Special Police Commandos, a CIA product led by senior intelligence officials of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, are perhaps the most brutal. The killing of Zarqawi and the myths about his importance also deflect attention from routine massacres by U.S. soldiers, such as Haditha. Even the puppet prime minister Nouri al-Maliki complained that murder behavior of U.S. troops as a "daily occurrence". As I learned in Vietnam, a form of serial killing, then known as the "body count" is the way in which Americans fight their colonial wars.

To this we give the name of "peace." The asymmetry of a pacified Iraq and a pacified Palestine is clear. As in Palestine, the war in Iraq is against civilians, mostly children. According to Unicef, Iraq once had the best indicators for the welfare of children. Today, one quarter of children between six months and five years suffer from acute and chronic malnutrition, worse than the years of sanctions. Poverty and disease have done nothing but grow since the day of employment.

In April, in British-occupied Basra, the European aid agency Saving Children from War reported: "The infant mortality rate has risen by 30% compared to the era of Saddam Hussein." They died because hospitals are not equipped with fans and running water, that the British would have to fix, is more polluted than ever. Children are victims of unexploded cluster bomb U.S. and British. They play in areas contaminated by depleted uranium, by contrast, the British army units sent there only check in full anti-radiation suits, wearing masks and gloves. Unlike the children they are the "liberators", and British troops are subjected to what the Minister of Defence calls "full biological testing".

pick in Arthur Miller right? "Cancel the show at home," or hear distant voices? On my last trip to Palestine was hailed, in leaving Gaza, a spectacle of Palestinian flags fluttering from inside the compound. Age of children to do so. No one tells you to. They make flagpoles with sticks tied together, and no two or climb on the wall and hold the flag between them, in silence. They do so believing that they are talking about the world.

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Abu Omar, the truth: Italians with the CIA. SHAME!?!? Fondazione San Raffaele

Abu Omar, the Italians with the CIA veritàgli
Fabrizio Gatti Peter Gomez

A police sergeant took part in the kidnapping of the imam in Milan. It speaks of a commando with many Italians. Here is the turning point in the investigation on such sensational secret

A secret wire leads from the Palazzo Chigi kidnapping of Abu Omar, the imam who was kidnapped in Milan and tortured in Egypt. A secret hidden in a phone call from the secretary of playing Gianni Letta, undersecretary to which the powerful Silvio Berlusconi has entrusted the responsibility for the intelligence services. A few days ago, as shown in "The Express" from that extension of the Presidency of the Council some call the Italian Embassy in Belgrade. He has a lot of hurry.

immediately wants to talk with the ambassador's security guard, a police sergeant who until a year and a half ago, he worked in counter-terrorism section of the ROS in Milan. And it is a curious coincidence. Why in those hours prosecutor in Milan Marshal is proving a more incriminating stories for the Berlusconi government and Italian intelligence.

The true story of the abduction of Abu Omar: The sergeant said that X per hour, more or less the 12 of February 17, 2003, the imam stopped him in Via Guerzoni, halfway between the center and the outskirts of Milan , there are only agents of the CIA. Italian soldiers are also involved the seizure. And he knows, because that day the police sergeant, code-named Ludwig, is with them. They fall so

three years of official versions of that, one after the other, have always denied the presence of Italians in the commandos who kidnapped Abu Omar.

Starting with the statements by the Minister Carlo Giovanardi sent by Berlusconi last year to respond to the Parliament: "It is even conceivable," said Giovanardi on behalf of the entire government, "that has ever been in any any way authorized this kind of operation or, a fortiori, the Italian involvement in the same equipment. "

The general Nicolo Pollari, director of the earthquake, the military secret service, has always denied the cooperation of Italy. Like the general ha ripetuto poche settimane fa a Bruxelles davanti alla commissione del Parlamento europeo che indaga sulle operazioni segrete della Cia: «Noi non abbiamo assistito tali comportamenti e nemmeno partecipato né appoggiato questo tipo di attività».

Il maresciallo Ludwig non è il solo italiano coinvolto nell'inchiesta. Altri stanno per essere identificati come complici o testimoni: dovrebbero essere carabinieri, agenti dei servizi segreti oppure, ipotesi più remota, 007 privati ingaggiati per l'operazione. Ma il sottufficiale è al momento l'unico a rischiare già adesso il processo e il carcere per sequestro di persona. Perché il mese scorso il ministro della Giustizia uscente, Roberto Castelli , has finally refused to submit to the U.S. demand for extradition of CIA employees in service in Italy: are American agents of the 22 commandos who kidnapped Abu Omar, for which the deputy prosecutor in Milan, Armando Spataro, a year ago had called for the arrest. The minister also rejected a request by the Milan prosecutor's office to spread the Interpol notice for international research.

Thanks to Castelli, the CIA's 007 will be able to go anywhere in the world without running the risk of being apprehended and handed over to Italy. As public officials, the kidnappers threatened sentences of up to ten years. The more aggravating for the torture suffered by the Imam. But

a questo punto i carabinieri e gli altri italiani coinvolti nell'indagine manterranno la consegna del silenzio con la prospettiva di essere gli unici a pagare? Forse è proprio questo il motivo della misteriosa telefonata partita dal numero interno di Palazzo Chigi.

Ludwig deve il suo nome in codice ai capelli biondi e al fisico da tedesco. Dopo il sequestro di Abu Omar ha fatto carriera: è stato selezionato per il posto di addetto alla sicurezza dell'ambasciata a Belgrado, incarico a volte riservato ad agenti del Sismi. Ma è nella sezione antiterrorismo del Ros di Milano che cominciano e finiscono i suoi giorni del Condor: la partecipazione a quella che qualcuno, per il suo soprannome, già chiama "operazione Ludwig". La sezione antiterrorismo è la stessa da anni in prima linea nella caccia ai terroristi di Al Qaeda. E, con la Digos di Milano, è tra le squadre di investigatori più attive nel sud Europa. Tanto che, dopo l'attacco dell'11 settembre, la Cia è spesso negli uffici del Ros, nella grande caserma in via Lamarmora a un isolato dal Palazzo di Giustizia.

L'agente americano in contatto con i carabinieri è Robert Seldon Lady, 52 anni, nato in Honduras e capo della Cia a Milano. È un uomo massiccio, con la barba appena sbiancata dall'età e le mani grandi come badili. Lady, Bob per gli amici, è nell'elenco dei 22 agenti consegnato al ministro Castelli: ha lasciato l'Italia giusto in tempo per evitare l'arresto.

in investigations against Al Qaeda, between 2001 and 2004, Bob is available to the Italian investigators and provides news, photographic evidence, supertechnological bugs. It also makes many friends in both Ros, both in Digos, both among the staff of the North African regimes in action in Milan. In 2002, a few days before Christmas, invites all to a party. Appointment in the renovated farmhouse that Bob bought in the hills of Penang, the province of Asti. He misses a few months into retirement with his wife and decided to stay in Italy after the leave.

Under the gray sky that afternoon, investigators and intelligence agents of counter-parade in the short road that leads from the gate at home. Hugs, handshakes. Best wishes and glasses of red wine of the place.

It is reported in "The Express," the sergeant Ludwig is among the guests. Bob Lady is a dear friend. There is also a captain in the same section of the ROS. An officer who a few weeks ago, the earthquake has chosen from among 007 candidates. Possible that in three years no one has ever noticed that with the kidnapping of Abu Omar, a Marshal's and perhaps other employees were placed under the command of a foreign secret service? The day when all 007 of Milan can be found in the farmhouse Penango missing three months of the war in Iraq. The invasion plans are ready. And perhaps in a drawer of the U.S. Embassy in Rome is ready to report to get the green light from Washington operation Ludwig.

The target has a long name: Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt March 18, 1963. The Viale Jenner mosque in Milan in Via Quaranta and knows him as Abu Omar. The Ministry of the Interior has granted him political refugee status.

And Digos is stalking him for some time: the cleric is suspected of recruiting fighters and suicide bombers to be sent to the war in Iraq imminent. Maybe that December day, at his home in Piedmont, Bob Ludwig has already explained to the intentions of the CIA. Perhaps he has already told of the plan of Abu Omar to blow up the bus with the students of American School of Milan a plan where the Digos but has never found evidence. Bob Ludwig and still see each other again in the office of Ros. And then to dinner at the home of Ludwig, whenever Bob has to remain in Milan for business. On February 16, 2003, from what appears in "The Express" go together in via Guerzoni. It is a Sunday, there is little traffic. Maybe passing in front of the building via Conte Verde 18, where Abu Omar lived with his wife Nabila Ghali, in an apartment made available by the Viale Jenner mosque. At the end of the visit to Bob Ludwig delivered a cell phone. And he repeated what should be done. Marshal of the Ros must stop and ask Abu Omar documents. That's it. Or speak with his police badge in the case of the operation was hampered from the sudden control of a steering wheel or local police.

agents instead of Digos are no longer a problem: the stalking of Abu Omar had been suspended for at least two mesi.La morning, February 17, Ludwig is in office. His colleagues are engaged in a service Cremona.

He remains in Milan and at the appointed time - he says - the appointment is in motion. Must wait for the contact Maciachini square. He stops a car. The man at the wheel, the only one on board, calls him the code name. It is definitely Italian. Ludwig salt. Are three blocks, turn in Via Guerzoni and immediately see Abu Omar to walk. It's time X. Like a spy movie Bob Lady, director of the operation, not seen. The sergeant gets out and asks for the documents. The imam says he has understood. He repeats the question in English. The imam delivered the passport. Suddenly, a van parked nearby, hitting a team of men. Perhaps there is some American. But the speaker swears in Italian, without a foreign accent.

levying Abu Omar, who cries for help. Ludwig moves the Marshal will be swept away. In less than 30 seconds the truck part to the periphery. The sergeant remained motionless, with the passport of Abu Omar in one hand and the phone Bob Lady in the other. Throw everything into the car window that brought her here. The Italian at the wheel accelerates and leaves.

Soon after Ludwig's personal cell phone rang. It is a police officer who wants to learn about the employee. Maybe it's just a coincidence. But the mobile phone antennas on the roofs of the neighborhood record: location, numbers, duration of conversations. Across the street a woman sees Egypt's 007 in action and tell all to a friend. Within two days the Arab community in Milan knows that Abu Omar was kidnapped. It is presented the complaint to the Digos. The survey seems easy: just ask the Telecom companies and other data on telephone traffic in the time of the abduction. But the results will come only in October. And to no avail they do not cover calls February 17, but those of 17 March. After eight months we have to begin the investigation anew. Now the names of other Italians in action with the CIA could still hide behind the mobile phone numbers. Especially those who lost owner. Coverage obtained through the complicity of some telephone companies.

How did you find "The Express," hundreds of SIM cards are delivered periodically to the secret services without being registered. Ghost numbers to use and throw away after each dirty.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Burning Feet After Showering

thanks to a bribe of 500,000 €

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori. L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

pm According to the contract to be 198 million for the management of RSA 11 in Puglia was awarded to the Foundation San Raffaele, thanks to a bribe of 500,000 euro Health investigation for alleged bribery.

Angelucci and warrants of arrest for Lease (ITALY UNDER)

Health investigation for alleged bribery arrest warrants for Angelucci and Lease. investigated for corruption, the bishop of Lecce, Cosmo Francesco Ruppi. (What a Beautiful People - Niki Vendola Force!)

BARI - It 's going on in Puglia and Lazio in the implementation of certain ordinances as part of an investigation by the prosecutor in Bari on alleged kickbacks, amounting to € 500,000, paid for the contract to be 198 million euro for the management of eleven nursing homes assisted (Rsa) in Puglia. Among those arrested Roman entrepreneur Giampaolo Angelucci, 35, chairman of the 'Fondazione San Raffaele', which was awarded the contract illegally, according to the indictment, and counselor in the 'Financial Tosinvest spa'. Furthermore, even under house arrest the former president of the Puglia region Raffaele Lease. Investigated Finally, the archbishop of Lecce, Cosmo Francesco Ruppi. The bishop is accused of corruption.

For the award of the contract - allegedly - would have been paid a bribe of 500 thousand euro to the political movement created by the regional rent for April, 2005, 'La Puglia first', the consultation Regional governor was defeated, with about 14 000 votes discarded in favor of the candidate of the center-Nichi Vendola.

As a Member, Lease can not be stopped until the eventual approval of the Chamber of Deputies. In the House, soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza have therefore filed this morning - to what has been learned - the request for authorization to arrest and the protective order signed by the investigating magistrate of the Court of Bari Giuseppe De Benedictis.

Angelucci, considered one of the leading contractor of the Italian health and administrator did - allegedly - Tosinvest of many businesses - is alleged to have paid in several tranches, the alleged bribe of 500 000 € to politicians CDL in Puglia.

For the crime of corruption, was placed under house arrest addition, the television entrepreneur Salento Paolo Pagliaro, Telerama owner of the issuer. The restrictive measure is signed by the investigating magistrate of the Court of Bari Giuseppe De Benedictis request by prosecutors investigating Roberto Rossi, Lorenzo Nicastro and Renato Nitti.

The investigation - what is not known - takes advantage of numerous wiretaps and the seizure of various documents. On disposal of the judiciary Bari, the Guardia di Finanza has made the attachment of real estate, company shares, cars and bank accounts for an estimated value of € 55 million, owned by Angelucci, dense (Fi) and four Group companies Tosinvest (Angelucci family). The seizure, being a precautionary measure, it shall become effective also in respect of Lease, and no permission is required of the Chamber.

Some people were questioned in Rome as investigated by the deputy prosecutor of the Court of Bari, Roberto Rossi. What is known, it is other people under investigation whose names do not appear in precautionary measures (personal and real) notified this morning by the Guardia di Finanza. The suspects have all made use of the right to remain silent.

clarification from Milan. Fondazione San Raffaele, Milan precise not in any way involved in the affair. The Authority for Competition and the Market, by decision No 14788 of 12 October 2005, has already stated that the group's companies Angelucci of Rome, should "in each location to distinguish your name from the Fondazione San Raffaele in Milan," that protect the right of consumers to identify with certainty their party. The Fondazione San Raffaele, Milano reserves the right to act for the damages suffered.

( June 20, 2006 )

Sensor Security Light Wiring

THE MINUTES. Conductors, journalists, managers, "let us give that girl at the mercy"

conductors, journalists, Managers: Saxa Rubra
to phone calls and poison

"let us give that girl at the mercy" as talked about

Elisabetta Gregoraci

On May 4, 2005
speak Salvatore Sottile, a spokesman for Gianfranco Fini, and an unidentified Lorenzo

"It's called ... wait that Elizabeth sent me the curriculum, Elizabeth T. A nice guy, but anyway , very pretty, and seventy feet, blonde eh ... well prepared. This one also did Rivombrosa, I thought it was a bit 'feet support the classic ... but that is not bad.
S: "And want to do? "
L: "This hosted meanwhile wants to do, then have an easy thing. (Laughs) And 'round, oh well, Marzullo from two or three times, and then told me this story because I, boh, I did not understand much asset. No, no, Marzullo that he wanted to give a little 'in meal around "
S: "(...) a bit' in a meal?"
L: "Yes, yes, he wanted to give Flavio meal in a little 'around"
S: "So already given it to him"
L: "No, not given it to him to anybody, no, no 'S
: " Yeah, right let alone "
L: " Well no, at least, I know, I do not think, well if given it to him I figured if he was not working "
S: " Why did not you did, beg your pardon? "
L: "did not do so in that sense, with Flavio?"
L: "Because she said," First see camel, then "(...)"
S: " Ah. I understand. But those other two that you said? "
L: "Those other two I have to call it, is good only for a lunch"

Paola Saluzzi

Massimo Giletti to "Unomattina"

On April 21, 2005 Paola Saluzzi, television host, to call Salvatore Sottile. Saluzzi is "P", thin and "S".

P: "Precious Thin Saluzzi are!"
S: "Oh ...!"
P: "As a cavallettina, because I saw you yesterday as you see now ... I think of you!"
S: "Look lady I saw her yesterday e. .. I thought, that sin is not in itself because, damn it ... uh ... (laughs)"
P: "You a married man, and a beautiful woman, you know ... so ... "
S: "It does not matter ... because if I see him ... I think it again and I thought .... and I thought, look at this though, because those that have both told me that which is also a bona! Eh! That was my thought. Yesterday, then, when I saw you, I said damn it, this is still "
P: " I return on May 2 with Falon Wild, I need you , Salvo! Giletti is fucking Unomattina! "
S: "One Morning!"
P: "This is an injustice, yes, because the frocione before leaving the system ... the system's girlfriend, sorry tones ... Well, Hello, I'm furious because those are the months ... A maximum of five is asking me all the time, because from, from the results of the market .. just shows my name ... and Walnut want to close, bringing his girlfriend to drive Unomattina. So unless the problem (...) Giletti is, that this is going to take a program that, believe me unless it is not his. And then to talk to you with that practicality that you can not have with others, Salvo!
S: "Okay, okay!"
P: "Why do you ... exist because we are what you are e. .. e. .. vivacchiano others involved more or less at the table but so, so very private. Sappi Except for the summer, Since I no longer have any money, but this is my problem should not be yours, I'm asking Paolo Ruffini work! "
S: "If you want I'll tell, eh! Because I know ... I know you ask me ... ask me to send to send to send Fini Fini ... Ballarò


The March 11, 2005, St. John and Joseph Sottile speak

S: "Maria (Mons, ed)?"
G: "Eh, it's too intrusive, too boring, really"
S: "Yes, No, it is intrusive in terms of business. On the other point of view does not talk, eh?"
G: "Ah-ah"
S: "On the other point of view is Sicilian, not talk"
G: "What, what, already has a point, but I have never detailed, I must say ... "
S: "Eh-eh, I have not only depth, but I know where he is going to deepen her" (laughs)
G: "So .. is it worth?"
S: "No she's a great guy, a type of porcelain is beautiful. Porcella doc"
G: "What I do not then I take it off most of the way, do you understand?"
S: "No, no. You do not you get up more of the way but we must find the right scanning. We need to find a little thing where you can also enter her and in that case be invoked as say, the option you have exercised as well. You say, "Ah, if only for this can be done, eh, you can not always do" Cattaneo (...) (...) you better (laughs) "
G: " and in fact, (...) and no "
S: (laughs)" fuck, I was dying with laughter "
G: "with him?"
S: "with Cattaneo? Not with you that told me (laughs)"
G : "(...) he? "
S: "and some"
G: "ah, ah, ah, Okay But he, the defendant is not she?" (...)
S: "to her, yes, eh well, yes, yes, the defendant is, in short, that has not done much"
G: "Oh no?"
S: "is that it has not done much"
G: "him or her?"
S: "(...) no she did not that much. Thou hast a boyfriend, a boyfriend who is the fool of fools, which is the contractor "


On May 4, 2005 Slim speaks with journalist Bruno Vespa.

V: " Hello? "
S: "Bruno? Salvatore "
V: "hey"
S: "listen, how it is structured transmission?"
V: "and nothing depends on you"
S: "no, wait (...)"
V: " we structure it to him, we pack it to him on "
S: "you do, please ... a reconstruction on the documents are there?"
V: "do, yes
S: " or do (...)"
V: "no no, then you, you do, the Berlusconi in parliament
S: " Berlusconi in Parliament "
V: "perfect eh then"
S: "Yes"
V: "as contradictory?"
S: "eh ... I do not know who you Fassino whom thou hast thou hast?"
V: "I do not know, no, one, we proposed that we have nothing if he to the contrary would be Williams "
S: " uhm "
V: " does not like? (...)"
S: "I do not know, no .. . I do not know, wait a minute "
V: " But I hear the nods on the part of your main "
S: no, non senti nessun segno di assenso (....)
V: (ride)
S: siccome sa che tu sei un pessimo giornalista
V: e che, infatti. Allora chi... allora, che facciamo, proviamo con Rutelli?
S: Gianfranco. che dici Rutelli?
V: try
S: try to Fassino?
V: Fassino is that he came very often, you know? And 'he always came
S: (...) one or the other told me.

( June 19, 2006 )

Lip Piercing White Inside

MINUTES. From video poker gambling, 1-2-3 a while to me, a little tea, a little to Iddu! The 3 Little Pigs.

From video poker gambling
So the Prince had operated the business with its members

"And now let's have the casinos
there are four bags of money"

Bonazza the prince:
for videopoker I need a general.

from our correspondent DARIO PORT

Prison Power

POWER - A cornerstone of the prosecution against Prince Vittorio Emanuele addresses the issue of corruption obtain from the State Monopoly for the issue of permits for 400 video poker. With the brokerage Venetian entrepreneur Ugo Bonazza, Savoy comes in contact with Rocco Migliardi, Sicily, suspected of ties to organized crime, which proposes payable to the clearance to one of their children. Billions would be delivered to Achille De Luca, called "fixer" by the magistrates, a sum of € 20 000 to bribe the leaders of Monopoly. In each set, as agents of the alleged corruption, including Salvatore Sottile (now under house arrest), spokesman for the National Alliance leader Gianfranco Fini (foreign exporters) and other party leaders, now suspects on the loose Francesco Cosimi Proietti, and Tullio Ciccolini.


De Luca, on the phone talking about money like "candy and pastries, is photographed as it enters with a bag in the seat of Monopoli, in the opinion of the judges to deliver a "gift" to Anna Andrews, director of the office responsible for issuing clearances, as a suspect on bail for corruption as the Director-General Giorgio Tino, he would receive in return the person concerned, his appointment as member of the Board of the National Film School.

The fax

is also intercepted a fax sent by Achille De Luca Vittorio Emanuele February 18, 2005. De Luca reports in the encrypted that in the opinion of the investigators, is the "statement of the tangent. Under "Contact" describes Migliardi Bonazza and, under "Reports" are encrypted scored some names, like "dr. TC", identified as Tullio Ciccolini. And there is also the symbol "V. Pr. Inches.." interpreted as referring to the vice-presidency of the Council in which staff at the time worked Sottile. On February 18, Vittorio Emanuele receives the fax and talks with De Luca.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "No, I was going to call, because ho letto il fax, molto attentamente".
De Luca : "Perfetto".
VE : "È perfetto, lei ha fatto un ottimo lavoro".
D : "Purtroppo non era quello che c'era stato detto. Abbiamo incontrato delle difficoltà e le abbiamo affrontate".
VE : "Senta, noi riceveremo qualche cosa o niente?"
D: "I believe so, yes because even though they were not the things he wanted, though the speeches are open, when you have other dealings of that amount, instead of doing that shit, makes me know ..."
VE : "Exactly."
D: "But as regards the operation done, in my opinion must also repay to him than what he gave to the resolution of the case."
VE : "Yes, yes, yes."
D "in its comparisons.
VE : "You must write a little thing!"
D: "Yes!" But now we speak. Absolutely! Because it is clear that I have officially said to have carried out instructions received from you anyway. It is she who has done everything. "
EV: (Laughs) "Thank you".
D: "It's the game that ...".
VE : "I feel embarrassed now!"
D: "You can go ahead safely. The game is this: I'm just a performer, who did everything the prince."

The general hands-long "

In a telephone call of 30 November 2004, Bonazza and Vittorio Emanuele, speaking of the need, writes the court "to contact some large official finance to unlock the question of the clearances.

: "Look! Let me now only a hint of work: one thing. I would ...".
Vittorio Emanuele : "Yes, tell me!"
B: "I need you I would show and if she could speak to a general here, Finance, because there is a big business, business, big, big, big, big. "
VE :" What do you want? Who do you want? "
B" friendship ".
VE :" Let me talk! "
B:" Yes, yes. "
VE :" You want a policeman or a flame yellow?
B: "Yellow flame, yellow flame."
VE : "Ok, you did."
B: "So, uh."
VE: "We'll talk when we meet."
B: "Yes, yes, yes and no! Say it is not only a courtesy! Is for work: a clean job."
VE : "But yes, I understand, I understand!"
B: "There is a business of three million euro. All right?"
VE: "Agreed?"

Casino Campione d'Italy.

Another operation in the center of the investigation concerns the attempt to enter the casino management. Starting from that of Champion of Italy. Operation to which Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, in conversation with Ugo Bonazza of October 6, 2005, shows a lot of press.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "Look, I have to say ..."
Bonazza : "Say."
VE : "Do that thing, we do ourselves, eh!"
B: "Yes, yes" (....)
VE : "You and I and then after we will give the commission wanted."
B: "Yes, yes."
VE : "But it takes a less rowdy inside, the better, right?"
B: "No, no, but she knows that I (....)".
VE : "No, but we are serious people, he is very gentle, very seriously, but then says that always wants to be a laugh."
B: "Why (...)
VE :" And then it's okay. "
B:" Precisely. "(...)
VE :" I am 's Agreement to laugh. "
B: "Okay, but after though."
VE : (...) "We are a, a, a, four bags of money, you know!"
B: "Eh, but who knows what runs in the year there are hundreds and hundreds of millions" (...)
VE : "Yes, I know, so this is an exceptional management."
B: "Exactly no, and then it's the biggest thing in Italy, Europe, you know? "
VE " From Europe, yes, yes ".
B:" I saw when I was there just the 'Last week, knows that big monster they're doing there in Campione, a stuff, a huge stuff ah. "
B: "Huge" (...)
VE : "Well, yes" (...)
B: "Yes, but "(....)
VE :" Look, here we see the chapter ".
B "is perfect."
VE : "There he is you and me."
B: "Okay."
VE : "That is him, that of Campo ... that of (....)"
B:" We put ourselves in hand, drink a glass in hand and we just two words. "
VE: "We put in a corner."
B: "And we" (...)
VE : "We do our thing and that's it."
B: "It is enough and after."
VE : "In half an hour, a quarter of an hour is good and done."
B: "But, ah, but just five words to me, not enough for me not so, I" VE
(...): (...) "I".
B "Exactly I, like I do with my, with my, with my clients that I do quickly to make, I make only two words, say the ladies play cards and that's it, here we lay the cards on the table."
VE : "Yes, yes."
B: "Now and talk" (...)
VE : "Exactly."
B: (....)
VE : "Yeah, so much to him for you so much for me."

Casino Venice

After Champion, Vittorio Emanuele and the other suspects thought to the Venice Casino, as highlighted by the call of 20 February 2006 between the prince and Bonazza.

Vittorio Emanuele
: "And then later ... after we go to Venice to beat."
Bonazza : "No. .. I Venice I've got an appointment now with a friend during the week."
VE : "Okay."
B: "And this brings me to my friend and we talk."
VE : "And let there too. You see?"
B: "No, because they already know that we are already working with Champion and they are pretty interested too to see something to make a speech, in short, no love for now .. there is still nothing ... Meanwhile, we throw down the foundations to do something you know? ".
VE :" Yes, yes, but sure. "

( June 19, 2006 )