- Le vergogne non son soltanto Italiane! -
di Pino Finocchiaro
E 'on the day of protest in Mexico. Manifested in the capital, Mexico City, the PRD, the Party of Democratic Revolution. Its leader, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador did not accept the result of the polls. Too little scrap, 236 000 votes, too many doubts about the fairness of the voting process. There is talk of more than two million votes incorrectly assigned. The heavy influence of the two national commercial networks, both legislatively favored by outgoing President Vicente Fox and general manager of Coca Cola in Mexico. Even Subcomandante Marcos - who had opposed during the election campaign Obrador - now speaks openly of electoral fraud to secure the victory of Obrador.
The conservative Felipe Calderon of Pan, the National Action Party, said he was in favor of a coalition government. But the demonstration in Mexico City shows that the progressive Mexican or not, they won.
Obrador has called on the Federal Electoral Tribunal of the recount at least 30 000 seats. "I am an honest person - Felipe Calderon defended himself who proclaimed himself president of Mexico - I know there's no doubt about who won. The PRD knows exactly how things are."
The count will end on September 6: only then will be formally declared the new president of the federation Mexican.
Sunday, July 2, 71 million Mexicans were called to choose a new president, to appoint new Members and to change or confirm the guidance of different administrative districts.
And it was a war game again on the wire television oligopoly. Only two large issuers engaged until the nausea to remove the image of the center-left candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, PRD, Partido Revolucion democracy, defying the successor designated by President Fox, Felipe Calderon, Pan, Partido Accion Nacional. The more secluded place was Roberto Madrazo, PRI, Partido Revolucionario istitucional, also fell behind in the polls.
The most popular in Mexico, Lopez Obrador, AMLO said. Gained popularity in the field as mayor of Mexico City. Gained popularity, turning to the poorest of the population, going neighborhood by neighborhood, city to city talking to ordinary people. Witnesses of this work, only the TV political community, local colleges and universities in Mexico have assumed a key role both as regards investigations and for products with a high cultural content. Also because there is a public service broadcaster.
Just the local television and universities have been penalized by the last reform bill in Mexico television desired by the party of Vicente Fox. So much so that the law was sopranominata Televisa, named after one of the two commercial broadcasters that it benefits the other is Tele Azteca. Both are now committed to redeem the debt with the majority investing Lopez Obrador's allegations, such as having violated the law by allowing some infrastructure works needed to connect a hospital in Santa Fe. The charges against Lopez Obrador have been provided by two private national television until the nausea.
Lopez Obrador has responded in turn looked down and taking a country where they live a hundred million people, six times as great in Italy. In return, the PRI and PAN have been able to take advantage of free electoral space grids national. Amlo was limited to a few essential presences.
The relationship with the national TV has never been good. Broadcasters Amlo accused of corruption, has aired video of collaborators until the exhaustion of the former mayor of Mexico City that have applied for or received kickbacks from a contractor.
The people of Mexico City did not believe the allegations. To defend against accusations center-left leaders took to the streets a million and half people. The charges were dropped.
Lopez Obrador is still tied Mexico's wealthiest man, the king of supermarkets Slim, counts with the collaboration of many people of former President Salinas, PRI, the Institutional Revolutionary Party which had ruled Mexico for 71 years. So it would guarantee choices "Westerners", maintaining good relations with the United States and the International Monetary Fund, but without servility.
against Lopez Obrador also had sided with Subcomandante Marcos, who got so to speak of the autonomy of Chiapas on TV. Yet the only candidate who has taken charge of the campesinos of the problem is just Amlo. Now Marcos defends him although still not as a good candidate.
to monitor the vote had reached 693 observers from 60 countries. Several complaints of vote trading. The investigations are continuing. But to know what happens Mexico's best not to listen to the mainstream media. They have too many bills to be redeemed with the party of Fox and Calderon.
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