Sunday, July 9, 2006

What To Write In Wedding Guestbook

RENATO FARINA Renato Farina writes to us - to be released.

I giudici mi hanno interrogato sette ore. Ho detto tutta la verità. Che è questa: sì, ho aiutato i nostri servizi segreti a difendere l'Italia dai terroristi. E adesso vi spiego perché e come.

Caro Direttore, ti scrivo come si fa a un amico e a un padre. Se ritieni ancora degna la mia firma, magari per oggi e poi più, passa questa lettera ai lettori e ai colleghi di Libero. Dopo di che mandami a casa, se credi. Privatamente in queste ore a te - che eri ignaro dei miei casini - ho detto tutto e anche di più, ma è meglio fermare things on paper. When did the Fourth World War, that unleashed by Osama Bin Laden in the name of Islam against the West and cross-jew, I was animated by heroic. You know me as your pockets. My ambition has always been unconsciously that of Karol Wojtyla: he died in travel, I on the front, perhaps in Iraq or Qatar. They are also immodest in comparison. Vanity and involvement of the mutual, unconscious, but I thought, throwing all. You already know of my adventures in Serbia on a knife-risk, sure to be able to tell things better but if it can resolve the problems of the world. Have you ever tried to reason with me, to hold me. Then usually you surrender: I can not conceive any other how to be a journalist. I remember your outburst when I went near Iraq without telling you anything, and in most writing an article about headhunters of a Bulgarian truck driver near the scene of the crime. Have you always wanted to save my life, are an unfortunate but you love me. Perhaps love me today is to change my job. Think about it, Victor. Again, since 2001, even today (if there is a tomorrow depends on whether you believe me), I acted my way: Ale, in battle.

This time I was heard, but so no, it is too heavy. I've broken a leg, I did not have the lung wash from a chip lead, but it was my honor amputee. On almost all the newspapers and the screens have become the image of the betrayal of readers and professional ethics, he, that guy is so fat that the moralist and pulls out the name of God in all three rows. Hypocrite of a meal, and even of "agent Birch". Other than a journalist or polemicist. Only a puppet in the hands of secret agents. One that sidetrack the investigation.

I just returned from seven hours of interrogation, I would like to tell, but it was secret. I'll write what I can, you, Director and friend, I have not concealed anything. I read something beautiful in your eyes, giving me courage and will to live, as my wife, and sorry if you put in after her, though I've defined your "wife". But I also know that a director has duties, can not afford to ruin his own son who is damaging the newspaper and his crew of editors. Plus Free is a flag. Dirty it is also an insult to our wonderful readers, who do not deserve to be offended. So I confess. I gave a hand to our military intelligence, SISMI.

I spent them the news. I have received. I even tried contacts with terrorists, providing my knowledge but my corpaccione to save some lives, and defend our fellow men. I assure you, and brings into play the salvation of my soul: I have not written a single line in Libero not coincide with my beliefs.

In any article where I defended our intelligence of State (= Italy) and its actions against terrorism, I was ioproprio-I. Good or bad, but myself. I fought with my readers - never with invective, but always arguing - who for years did not miss a day without trying to demolish the credibility of institutions. I think that is dangerous for the children of my readers. I've used everything, I think within the bounds of legality, of course following a hectic but very strong moral choice. They are rhetorical I know. I'm building a monument, but all I have jotted down in advance. If they had put the rumor that I was a source of the KGB, would have raised a chorus of guarantee. Be on the side of us, giocandosela, but worth the shot immediately.

There was an exception (besides you), that of Giuliano Ferrara. He dedicated words of friendship and respect extraordinary, I understood perfectly. Has come to offer me a job, which is the maximum. I said thanks, but I have mine. If you, Victor, I care about. But if you hold me, I stop. There is nothing else to do in life, although I regret not writing more slamming here and there. Why is clear: if in my readers, those who respect me, and those who work with me, reading my signature, whenever a doubt arose in my loyalty, should lead to tolerance. The fields need arms, but I'll manage better in the kitchen. Giulianone beloved asked me to do the virgin and proudly claim that I have done: that is, with all my might have chosen to side with the West and those who work to protect it.

confirm. Do not move a step back from my decision. But I am. Are not of the level of Ferrara or Graham Greene, that he impippano of professional ethics which prohibits journalists to be careful and services. In war, not only can, but you should, if there is dancing in the great asset of our ancestry and tradition. All right. But the manner of Andreotti I trust the judiciary, and I accept with serenity the decision of the Order of Journalists. Moreover being accused of collusion with the Earthquakes is a bit 'different from the common cause with the Camorra or the selling out to traitors.

Meanwhile, I continue to confess: I did not throw off anything, I've been a journalist for being a spy well camouflaged. But certainly a mistake I did. I involved in this adventure of my fifties, as a superb reporter Claudio Antonelli. His work has no blemish, he did his job and nothing else. I have broad shoulders and I'm old. But he is young, so I should not let him risk his reputation, without knowing anything of earthquakes and the like. I ask your pardon. I did not know or expose it to the back of shots. Beccatemi Me too, he was not. Similarly, I apologize to my fellow editors if they feel betrayed. Your estimate is important, not to work again, but just to get by

In this world war is not to tell the helicopter went down as Islamic terrorists sow terror among the population more or less Christian. But I tried to do everything and more to defend our country and its civilization Catholic. And after this self-praise, perhaps even more than I deserve dismissal. But voglimi well the same, with all my sins.


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