Thursday, July 6, 2006

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War on children in Palestine

War on Children in Palestine
Why vote for Hamas was a vote for peace.

John Pilger

The reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is likely not to work dependably in repressing its own people on behalf of Israel. In reality, the vote for Hamas was a vote for peace. The Palestinians were tired of the failures and corruption of the Arafat era. According to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center certifies the election victory of Hamas, "the opinion polls show that 80% of Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel."


Arthur Miller, "Few of us can easily abandon the view that there should be in effect in the society. The thought that the state has become insane and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. Because the evidence must be erased at home."

The truth of Miller popped on television on June 9, when Israeli warships fired on families picnicking on the Gaza intent, killing seven people, including three children, from three generations. This represents a final solution, agreed that sees the United States and Israel, the Palestinian problem. While the Israelis pull up homes and picnics Palestinian rockets in Gaza and the West Bank, the two governments have condemned them to hunger. The victims will be mostly children.

This was approved on May 23 by the U.S. House of Representatives, which voted with 361 against 17 votes to cut funding to non-governmental organizations that maintain a thread of life with occupied Palestine. Israel is refusing to pay money to the Palestinians for 60 million dollars a year from tax revenues. This collective punishment, identified as a crime against humanity under the Geneva Conventions, evokes the Nazi strangulation of the Warsaw Ghetto and the American economic siege of Iraq in 90 years. If the perpetrators are now idle, according to Miller's suggestion, however, seems to understand their barbarism and do shows your cynicism. "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet", was the raillery of Dov Weinglass, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

This is the price Palestinians must pay for their democratic elections held in January. By a majority vote the party happened to the "wrong", Hamas, which Israel and the U.S., with their inimitable inclination towards specks in the eyes of others and in their beams, describe as terrorist. Terrorism, however, is not the reason for fasting imposed on the Palestinians, whose prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas has reaffirmed the address of the Jewish state to recognize, and objected only to recognize that Israel respects international law and the borders of 67. Israel refused, as with the ongoing construction of the Apartheid Wall, has clear intent: to take even Palestine, encircling whole villages and eventually Jerusalem.

The reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is likely not to work dependably in repressing its own people on behalf of Israel. In reality, the vote for Hamas was a vote for peace. The Palestinians were tired of the failures and corruption of the Arafat era. According to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center certifies the election victory of Hamas, "the opinion polls show that 80% of Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel."

There is irony in all this when one considers that the rise of Hamas was due significantly to the covert support it receives from Israel, with U.S. and Britain, wanted Islamists minassero bases secular Arabism and his dream "moderates" of freedom. Hamas declined this Machiavellian logic and under Israeli attacks maintained a ceasefire for 18 months. The aim of the Israeli attack on Gaza beach was clearly the sabotage of the ceasefire. It is famous for an old tactic.

Now, state terror, in the shape of a medieval siege is to be applied to the most vulnerable. For the Palestinians, a war against their children do not have anything again. A 2004 study in the British Medical Journal reported that, during the previous four years, "Two-thirds of the 621 children killed ... [the Israelis] and went to school in their homes, died from strokes of light firearms, in direct over half the cases to the head, neck, chest - the sign of the sniper. " A fourth Palestinian child under the age of five years was acutely and chronically malnourished. The Israeli wall "will put in solitary confinement 97 clinics and 11 hospitals from their user base."

study spoke of "a man in a village near Qalqilya fenced hours, he approached the gate leading to his daughter's arms and begging the soldiers seriously ill service to let him take her to the hospital. The soldiers refused.

Gaza, now closed as a prison camp outside and terrified by sonic booms of Israeli combat aircraft, has a population of which almost half are under 15 years. Dr Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist leading a project on mental health of children, he said, "The statistic that I find intolerable p that 99.4% of children in the observation that we are suffering from trauma ... 99.2% had bombed the home, 97.5% were exposed to tear gas, 96.6% witnessed shootings, a third saw family members or neighbors injured or killed. "

These children suffering from nightmares continuous and "nights of terror" and the drama of having to deal with these situations. On the one hand, wish to become doctors or nurses so "they can help others", and second, this framework often succumbs under the apocalyptic vision of themselves as the next generation of suicide bombers. Invariably this happens after an Israeli attack. For some of the boys, their heroes have ceased to be the heroes of the ball, replaced by a confusion of Palestinian "martyrs" and even the enemy, given that "Israeli soldiers are the strongest and have Apache combat helicopters."

that these children would now be punished further may exceed human comprehension, but there is logic. Over the years, Palestinians have managed to not fall into the abyss of total civil war, knowing that the Israelis want. Destroying their elected government while seeking to build a parallel administration around the collusive Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, may well produce what the Oxford academic Karma Nabulsi calls "a Hobbesian vision of a society without rules ... ruled by militias skids, gangs, religious ideologues of ethnic and religious tribalism, and collaborators. Look at Iraq today here is what [Ariel Sharon] had in Serbia for us. "

The conflict in Palestine is an American war, waged by the U.S. military base more heavily armed, Israele. Nell'occidente, siamo condizionati a non pensare alla guerra israelo-palestinese in questi termini, come del resto siamo condizionati a pensare agli Israeliani come le vittime, e non i brutali e fuori legge occupanti. In questo modo non si intende sottostimare le spietate iniziative dello stato israeliano, ma senza gli F16 e gli Apache e i milioni di dollari sborsati dal contribuente americano, Israele avrebbe fatto la pace con i Palestinesi da un pezzo. Dalla seconda guerra mondiale, gli USA hanno versato ad Israele qualcosa come 140 miliardi di dollari, per la piĆ¹ parte in armamenti. Secondo il Servizio di Ricerca del Congresso, per la stessa voce di bilancio sono stati pagati 28 milioni di dollari "per aiutare in Palestinesi a gestire la presente situazione conflict "and provide" first aid ". In what has now been vetoed.

The parallels drawn by Karma Nabulsi with Iraq is really appropriate, because here we apply the same" politics. "The capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a terrific event Median: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called "action as propaganda", with a few hooks to reality. The Americans and those who act as their dogs of war have taken their demon - even the video games of his house flying to pieces. The truth is that Zarqawi was largely their art invention. This apparent murder has a specific propaganda purpose, distracting the rest of us in the West from the real U.S. goal of turn Iraq, like Palestine, into a society of weak ethnic and religious tribalism. Death squads, formed and trained by veterans of the CIA "counter-insurgency" in Latin America, have a key role in this. The Special Police Commandos, a CIA product led by senior intelligence officials of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, are perhaps the most brutal. The killing of Zarqawi and the myths about his importance also deflect attention from routine massacres by U.S. soldiers, such as Haditha. Even the puppet prime minister Nouri al-Maliki complained that murder behavior of U.S. troops as a "daily occurrence". As I learned in Vietnam, a form of serial killing, then known as the "body count" is the way in which Americans fight their colonial wars.

To this we give the name of "peace." The asymmetry of a pacified Iraq and a pacified Palestine is clear. As in Palestine, the war in Iraq is against civilians, mostly children. According to Unicef, Iraq once had the best indicators for the welfare of children. Today, one quarter of children between six months and five years suffer from acute and chronic malnutrition, worse than the years of sanctions. Poverty and disease have done nothing but grow since the day of employment.

In April, in British-occupied Basra, the European aid agency Saving Children from War reported: "The infant mortality rate has risen by 30% compared to the era of Saddam Hussein." They died because hospitals are not equipped with fans and running water, that the British would have to fix, is more polluted than ever. Children are victims of unexploded cluster bomb U.S. and British. They play in areas contaminated by depleted uranium, by contrast, the British army units sent there only check in full anti-radiation suits, wearing masks and gloves. Unlike the children they are the "liberators", and British troops are subjected to what the Minister of Defence calls "full biological testing".

pick in Arthur Miller right? "Cancel the show at home," or hear distant voices? On my last trip to Palestine was hailed, in leaving Gaza, a spectacle of Palestinian flags fluttering from inside the compound. Age of children to do so. No one tells you to. They make flagpoles with sticks tied together, and no two or climb on the wall and hold the flag between them, in silence. They do so believing that they are talking about the world.


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