of Giorgio Santelli
Renato Farina was my first teacher of journalism. I do not know if it's a merit or demerit. But at Monza at the beginning 80s, was the cultural center Talamoni to make a dozen lessons in journalism cured by him. I went there, little more than fifteen. He was the first to tell me the rule of five "w", the starting point for any budding journalist.
I have to tell the truth. I liked and easy-going man brianzoleggiante. Then, of him, I have not shared anything with what he thought and thought. But you want or not want, is always me who initiated the profession. Of those lessons to remember that journalism securities. Farina gave us homework. We did them and were then discussed with him. At the time I titolai: "E 'the grandfather of the dead Italians." It was a title for a sort of crocodile dedicated to Sandro Pertini then more alive than ever. Before you read the title I made up and make it part of a lesson on the securities to effect, said the silence in the room. He created suspense before we have the fake news of the death of Pertini with my title. And then continued the lesson. For fifteen years that began to write was a great success.
Renato Farina I have not crossed over, until last year when, RaiSat Extra, we began a strip three times a week dedicated to him and Felt, Title: The flour, leavened with the facts of the general Renato Farina . While sharing little of what he said I sympathized with the transmission so strange and so out of the concept of television formats and in-depth information. In short, a beautiful drive why not acceptable in the editorial line. So for me, a real enhancement of pluralism. Bella because her views as those of Victor Felts were different from others, including my own and this was no mystery.
Today I read in Libero, Renato Farina's letter defending a new figure who unfortunately no place in the profession: that of journalist-spy. It looks bad this definition: indeed, it is. But this meal was. He passed the news to the Earthquakes and the Earthquakes went to him.
I'll be back in the early '80s, those lessons journalism. Farina would have never made the journalist-as an indicator of the possibilities of the profession? I do not think, in fact. I am convinced that he would not have ever done. And today is not sufficient justification that "the world has changed" or that "we are making a fourth world war against terrorism."
Journalists must do journalists, spies spies, soldiers, the military and so forth. For this
Renato Farina was wrong. A merger between the two is the worst thing we can be in the profession. Worst of tissue put through by the politicians, the worst news of all full of love Emilio Fede.
Renato Farina, a good Christian, ask forgiveness. We, as good Christians, we are willing to grant it. And the mistakes are forgiven even by laymen. But it must have the courage to say that was wrong and that he is not the stereotype of the good professional. Unfortunately, in his open letter to Victor Felts he does not admit this. Renato Repent, because forgiveness is possible, and champion of Christianity must know, if the repentance is genuine.
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